Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , the statement in the judgment of the Court of Appeal , at p. 377d , to the effect that , if the apparent consent of the owner is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence is , with respect , erroneous in relation to a charge of theft ( which was the relevant charge ) if the words ‘ appropriates ’ bears the meaning which the Criminal Law Revision Committee ( rightly , in my opinion ) has deliberately given it .
2 File handling with BBCBASIC(Z80) is more flexible than on the BBC Micro and different in approach to most other versions of BASIC .
3 Interestingly , scientists are now saying that odour is different in degree to memory rather than different in kind .
4 A voyage round Cape Horn , for instance , was quite different in character to the routine voyages to the East coast of the Americas or even to India .
5 The principle is different in relation to the term for which a lease is granted .
6 They were quite different in perspective to the followers and reaction of the more conventional actors like Newman and Redford , as the romantic anti-heroes of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid , also released in 1969 and which turned Redford into what was termed as a ‘ bona fide ’ box-office star .
7 Yet it is clear in references to natural justice that our conception of law is bound up with ideas of notice , fair hearing , representation and open judgment , aspects of which have been denied in the admission of children to the care of the state , and particularly in parental rights resolutions by local authorities .
8 This has implications for people of all ages , but the tensions are especially clear in relation to old age .
9 That consideration of one 's own advantage can be entirely proper is particularly clear in relation to sharing accommodation , where it seems that it is the foundation of most such arrangements .
10 ‘ Mr. Burgess in my judgment was clearly an experienced careful solicitor and I have no hesitation in accepting his evidence that he did form the view that on 26 March 1986 Mr. Winterbone was not capable of making a will for the reasons he stated — namely that he was incoherent and confused in the sense that he was unable to remember names and addresses and he was not at all clear in relation to the names of the people that he wished to benefit .
11 The strength of the Labour Party lay in its ability to win votes , which became increasingly clear in relation to the Liberals after the granting of manhood suffrage in 1918 and had been clear in relation to other socialist groups ever since 1900 .
12 The strength of the Labour Party lay in its ability to win votes , which became increasingly clear in relation to the Liberals after the granting of manhood suffrage in 1918 and had been clear in relation to other socialist groups ever since 1900 .
13 As we have made clear in answer to issue ( 4 ) , the undue influence is required to have brought about the transaction , and it would be inconsistent with the equitable nature of the relief for the bank not to be affected by the undue influence exerted by its agent when the transaction would not exist but for the wrongful acts of its agent .
14 Or , more simply , those people who are sensitive , perceptive , and sensible in relation to horses , and develop an empathy or a rapport with them , are the most effective with them .
15 Indeed , some plants were even named thereby , for example , the ‘ day 's eye ’ ( daisy ) , so-called in allusion to its revealing its yellow disc in the morning and concealing it again in the evening .
16 Being a late developer , I had been small and slim in comparison to most of my peers , and my appearance had been a large part of my character .
17 Could Filmer have been so stupid as to get the horses ' names wrong in addition to the cities ?
18 this one is wrong In addition to the generally recognized senses of vision , hearing , touch , smell and taste , human beings are known to have an additional one , called proprioception or kinaesthesia. whereby we are aware of the relative position of our limbs , the tensions in our muscles and so on .
19 If fork is feminine in relation to knife and masculine in relation to spoon , clearly there is nothing inherently masculine or feminine , even at an abstract and nonliteral level , in the work fork itself .
20 The family was willing in principle to loan or sell some of the most important contents of the staterooms to a hotel , but only on condition that they were given proper conservation safeguards .
21 Flying in the face of today 's ubiquitous electronickery , the turbocharger uses nothing more than a simple spring-loaded wastegate to regulate boost , which is never allowed to build too high in deference to the engine 's life expectancy .
22 It is 252 feet high in contrast to the older Tour de Romaine on the other side of the façade and is called the Tour de Beurre because money was provided for its erection from payments for dispensations given permitting consumption of butter during Lent ( 471 ) .
23 The only safeguard is to maintain the correct position carefully and to release at once if the glider is beginning to get too high in relation to the towplane .
24 Even if the chance of success in a wager is very slight , the bet should be accepted if the reward of the wager is disproportionately high in relation to the amount staked .
25 Balance of payments crises were registered through the balance of short-term assets and liabilities ; and a number of critics , then as now , fastened on the level of overseas military expenditure which in international terms was disproportionately high in relation to national income .
26 This investment option is favoured when the costs of transport and tariffs are very high in relation to the product , as in detergents and many simple household products , or when the need for local service is high , as in accountancy services and retail banking .
27 Over the period 1984 to 1991/2 the level of successful appeals on major retail applications has been consistently high in relation to other types of development .
28 Pregnancy order tended to mediate the effect of maternal age , so that weight and height of infants tends to be lower where pregnancy order is high in relation to age ( see e.g. Omran , 1976 , p. 524 ) .
29 The price was high in relation to orthodox equipment but was held to be justified by patient throughput .
30 not my phrase my Lord but er a slight high in relation to what he was saying
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