Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] over the " in BNC.

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1 It is understood that Sock Shop directors were in the US yesterday trying to find someone who might be prepared to take over the American end of the operation and continue to run it under the Sock Shop name .
2 Even so , with at least two American tournaments lacking name sponsors at the time of writing and the LTA 's anxious search for a company willing to take over the men 's autumn indoor event in Birmingham , are we , I wonder , starting to see the icy blow of reality infiltrating a sport which , for so long , has seemed immune from the impact of any recession ?
3 In such a situation the purchaser will normally be willing to take over the vendor 's liabilities up to a specified maximum or as specifically itemised in completion accounts .
4 You told me your Uncle Walter is willing to hand over the entire estate to you anytime you wish . ’
5 The right hon. Gentleman may be prepared to hand over the government of this country to trade unions abroad , but that is not the position of the Conservative party .
6 As anyone will tell you , it 's easy to go over the limit , especially at this time of year when people are preparing for Christmas and buying presents .
7 When Tikhon was placed under house arrest in June 1922 , one of these movements , the Living Church , was given numerous concessions by the regime , and at first looked set to take over the role and some of the property of the Orthodox .
8 A few years later , with Atari in deep financial trouble , Nintendo was able to take over the US market too .
9 To a great extent eyes are able to take over the function of keeping us upright because we are able to orientate ourselves by seeing our own position in relation to the world around .
10 Eight years later Theudebald died without an heir , and on this occasion Chlothar was , it seems , able to take over the eastern kingdom without opposition .
11 Now I am delighted to be able to hand over the spot-light to my three management colleagues on the management team .
12 Is this a struggle inside Frodo 's soul , between his conscious will and his unconscious wickedness ( the sort of wickedness which might earlier have made him reluctant to hand over the Ring to Gandalf ) ?
13 But for such proposed order the appellant would clearly be unable to hand over the documents : he would be subject to an implied undertaking , analogous to that arising on discovery in civil proceedings , not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes for which discovery was given , here the pursuance of the criminal appeal which is now , of course , successfully concluded .
14 Autocatalyst Europe topped up this figure with a further £1,000 and Dr David Evans ( right ) was very pleased to hand over the total amount of £1,118 to Ian Catley , Fund Raising Manager for CRMF .
15 He became concerned when he could not locate him on the premises , because Mr Jowett was due to take over the lambing .
16 The UK government , which is due to take over the presidency in the Council in the latter half of 1992 , will set the enforcement of existing Community legislation as a top priority during its presidency .
17 The district which was due to take over the funding is now claiming that some of the people who are now living in the special units attached to old people 's homes are not their responsibility They did not originally come from their districts and so they are refusing to pay some of the finance over .
18 Ward was due to take over the driving and at the end of it I slumped into the seat beside him in a happy daze which insulated me from all sense of reality .
19 As established in exploratory talks which took place in January-March 1990 , a major obstacle to the achievement of the EES in the forthcoming negotiations with the EC was EFTA 's demand for equal status with the EC in a joint decision-making body , particularly sought by Switzerland which was due to take over the presidency of EFTA on July 1 .
20 Lynda , a former teacher who has worked as a deaconess in Ayrshire , Edinburgh and Fort William and whose most recent church appointment was a centre warden at Iona Abbey , had been due to take over the lease of Key House , next to Falkland Palace , in July but the property became vacant sooner than expected .
21 Mr Wilson said yesterday that comments by the rail minister , Roger Freeman , completely contradict the impression given by the Transport Secretary , John MacGregor , that private operators would be obliged to take over the existing timetable .
22 The sheriff or bailiff must not account to the execution creditor for fourteen days after sale if the judgment exceeds the prescribed sum ( currently £500 ) because under s 346(3) the sheriff or bailiff is obliged to hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee if a bankruptcy petition is presented within fourteen days of the sale of the goods and a bankruptcy order is subsequently made on that petition .
23 Changez did n't seem ready to take over the running of Paradise Stores .
24 It needs an understanding of how all the parts contribute to the whole , so that new elements of collaboration can be introduced as and when appropriate , with the children 's confidence and understanding being developed until they are ready to take over the initiative for themselves .
25 In a news conference on Nov. 9 , however , the Philippine spokesman Rafael M. Alunan appeared to indicate a softening of the government 's stance by differentiating for the first time between " sovereign control " and " operational control " , noting that Philippine personnel would not be fully ready to take over the bases by 1991 and that US personnel would be needed to operate them under Philippine sovereignty for a transitional period .
26 Indigenization implies that there are locals , official or private , standing in the wings ready to take over the indigenized companies .
27 The Insurer shall be entitled to take over the conduct in the name of an Insured Person in the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of an Insured Person for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim .
28 When no time is stipulated and it is for the buyer to collect , the seller must be ready to hand over the goods ( against payment ) to the buyer on demand ( provided made at a reasonable hour , section 29(5) ) at any time after the making of the contract .
29 On March 1 the Libyan Secretary for Foreign Affairs , Ibrahim Bishari , said after a meeting in Cairo with the Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev that Libya " is ready to hand over the two suspects for trial in front of a neutral court in any neutral country " .
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