Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Wood relinquished the Chairmanship of RBIC , and RBIS , to Chris Pearson , Director of Private and Offshore Banking and Director , South of England in October 1992 when the rapid growth of Direct Line made greater demands on Peter 's time ; Norman , who had been due to retire at that time , was asked to stay on for two years to see the restructuring process completed .
2 On the autobahn or the test track , this translates into an uncanny ability to accelerate strongly to 140 mph with sufficient in reserve to cruise at that speed for as long as conditions allow .
3 He talks as if I 'm free to go at any minute , and I 'm the same . )
4 The agent subsequently contacted us to advise that the company 's was the highest bid and asked if we would be prepared to proceed at that figure .
5 You are free to cancel at any time .
6 It is clear to see at most training clubs that praise is in very short supply with novice and even more experienced handlers .
7 The function includes part of the competitive labour supply function , i.e. that segment of L s above and to the right of point B , but renders inoperative the remaining part , i.e. that segment of L s below and to the left of point B. Workers who are willing to work at less than the wage stipulated by trades unions ( w 1 in Figure 5.1 ) will be excluded from active participation in the labour market for as long as these powerful combinations maintain their stranglehold as monopoly suppliers of labour .
8 It perhaps shows the group 's laid back attitude that they were willing to appear at such an unlikely place .
9 It is interesting to remember at this point that the EC excludes the Canary Islands , the Channel Islands and the French Overseas Departments , but includes Monaco and the Isle of Man .
10 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
11 Erm and it 's it 's quite interesting to look at that .
12 But if that was what Adams wanted , well , he was willing to clutch at any straw .
13 The courts now adopt a purposive approach which seeks to give effect to the true purpose of legislation and are prepared to look at much extraneous material that bears upon the background against which the legislation was enacted .
14 So , although we may wish that the monster would stop sprouting new heads , it is entertaining to look at some of the blind alleys of the past , most of which were investigated quite seriously at the time .
15 The court will also consider whether the information is of a type which it is willing to protect at all .
16 The pilot must be vigilant on every aerotow and must realise the importance of being prepared to release at any point on the climb out should his glider get badly out of position .
17 In this context an assignment may be considered " terminated " , because it can not affect or be affected by the other process , and is free to terminate at any time .
18 Posterity stretches ahead without limit whereas disc and tape manufacturers , when they are prepared to commit at all , are reluctant to do so for more than a few years .
19 Perhaps the internal strains within the authorities of a newly-reunited Germany — and the demands of public opinion in the old East — make any punitive measures against ex-Easterners peculiarly uncomfortable to promote at this time ( and Krabbe 's coach has been widely fingered as a luminary in East Germany 's old chemically-enhanced Sportkulur . )
20 That is a question I am afraid that is impossible to answer at this stage , that wo n't be known until he 's had a thorough investigation by the surgeons at the hospital who er probably wo n't be able to answer that for a day or two yet .
21 It is impossible to look at any of their actions during the past three years without seeing that they are carrying Home Rule at the dictation of the Nationalist party , but that in order that Home Rule may be carried they are turning up everything in the country .
22 It is instructive to look at some particular examples , because they show that the simple economic case for pricing turns out to be only part of the story .
23 Impossible to play at that !
24 It 's easy to look at these young hooligans on the street , as they are perceived by so many , without understanding why they are like it , and I think it would help everyone to understand , and maybe we could have some action to work towards supplying the need for these youngsters , because I belief if something could be done for them when they 're sixteen and just starting out on this erm sort of sub-culture life that they get into so quickly , if people could give them maximum help at this stage then they could grow into being responsible erm satisfied adults .
25 Because the total numbers of animals on islands tend to be small , large predators in general find it impossible to exist at all — except , of course , for creatures such as seals and sealions , which feed at sea and come ashore only to breed or bask .
26 It is very easy to laugh at such calculations ; even King 's pre-1692 figures were just wild guesses .
27 At first sight , nine tricks are comparatively easy , but on closer inspection it becomes clear that it is impossible to get at all of them .
28 I was fortunate to have had these advantages ; it is quite impossible to operate at any level in industry without being aware of the world forces which are pressing upon us .
29 Lumb says it 's because they do n't have a branch there , but we think it 's solid Labour to look at all the blue posters .
30 ‘ Mo you 're too respectable to look at such things .
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