Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Government revenue was such that not only was it possible to sustain and indeed expand expenditure on the national health serve , it was possible to do so without substantial increases in taxation .
2 The Liberal Democrats will be depressed to see that only 40pc of Alliance voters in 1987 are now ready to vote for Peter Bergg .
3 LOOKING BACK , it s now possible to see that well before the Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union the storm clouds were gathering for the nuclear dream .
4 This also favoured multi-employer bargaining arrangements because , since the workforces of geographically-concentrated industries are likely to be subject to less variation in local labour market pressures , it was possible to establish and more easily maintain a meaningful wage structure for district , or higher level , employer groupings ( Beaumont et al . ,
5 It is not possible to know and yet not to know .
6 As the State Department and the White House both set crisis management operations in train , and President Bush urgently conferred with top officials , FMLN statements — that the guests , except for the armed Americans , were not hostages and were free to go as soon as a ceasefire was arranged — were almost ignored .
7 The three US service manuals are currently in process of being updated , and it will be interesting to see whether either they , or the new UK tri-service manual which is now in an advanced state of preparation , say anything more specific about possible limits of one kind or another to the use of nuclear weapons .
8 She had expected passion and had been prepared to bluff that away , but this was different .
9 Payne , who beat Sweden 's Anders Gillner in a play-off to win the Turespana Balearic Open in Majorca , received a lesson in course management from Nicklaus , and the 6ft 4in golfer from Lincolnshire took the advice to heart as he kept calm to catch and finally overtake 54-hole leader Gillner .
10 This uncertainty makes it particularly interesting to know whether intentionally childless women are different in personality or attitudes from those who wish to have children , and whether these attitudes could readily become more widespread .
11 Yeah , but I mean , be honest , you , you say that , but people have got to be prepared to adjust as well .
12 Now , you may think that er you and I are very different from a T four bacteria but personally , and I on can only speak for myself , I ca n't speak for you of course , but personally I 'm prepared to accept that basically I 'm really nothing more than a very very complicated and much bigger T four bacterial .
13 It is very heartening to know that so many of you are prepared to under-write the future of the Society 's works in such a positive way .
14 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
15 ( It is interesting to observe that perhaps the most influential art magazine in the West , ARTFORUM , New York , has in the later 1980s not only devoted special features and reviews to photography , but now runs regular columns on television , on news photography and on advertising ) .
16 Now , if I 'm prepared to work that hard , why do these young writers think they do n't need to do a third draft ?
17 If I just knew where he was prepared to stand and then could just sort of do the things round about .
18 The there are parish ministers who are willing to listen and long before it reaches the stage of lawyers and divorce .
19 I was careful to behave as well as possible , to persuade the King to give me my freedom .
20 It seems to me that all the main political parties are prepared to lead or perhaps , in the absence of a referendum , ‘ drag ’ us further down the European road whether we like it or not .
21 There were obviously men in Hollywood who wanted to use social themes , there were audiences who were willing to attend these films , and there were critics who were prepared to praise and even honour these films .
22 It 's wrong to assume that just because a cream says it contains plant extracts it 's better for your skin .
23 It is wrong to assume that mentally handicapped people would , or should , remain at home into adulthood .
24 It would be wrong to assume that only those who were privileged with the franchise were concerned with the outcome of electoral contests , since those without the right to vote were often able to make their feelings known through demonstrations or riots , which became increasingly common features of electoral contests at this time .
25 The nightmare of childhood lived daily by orphan children in Romania is another example of a state of dreadful innocence abused by adults which is too painful to comprehend and yet which has become part of the domain of childhood as understood in Britain , just as images of the abuse of children by adults are also part of our daily reference to the violent world of childhood .
26 He had indeed gained strength since he came home but was nevertheless prone to stumble and even fall , as the drug which was keeping his mind rational was also weakening his muscles and bones .
27 This would result in his rhythms running more slowly when he was interested and more quickly when he was bored ( because he would go to bed earlier due to the lack of something interesting to do and so require less sleep ) .
28 Habermas is careful to ensure that neither lifeworld nor system are subsumed by the other category but he explores links between them , including the systematic restriction of communication .
29 And in a way I lost my direction too when all my lovely ideas about what I hoped to do were smashed down , leaving only a shell : a two-dimensional character instead of a many-faceted character , which would have been more interesting to watch and more interesting to do .
30 It is the consequence of the apparent structural inevitability of its position : ‘ The majority class does not need the unemployed to maintain and even increase its standard of living …
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