Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er to reach our target objectives we ha we need a very strong sell to the trade .
2 If possible eat on the same day that you buy them .
3 Nor did Labour suffer to the slightest extent in popular esteem from its link with the trade unions .
4 If I have , I can arrange the pattern so that I 've a complete repeat at the edge of the knitting .
5 ‘ Our task is to help our customers in the short term use them more efficiently , and as quickly as possible bring to the market new products which will not have any interaction with the ozone layer .
6 One final reason why Gothic 's victory was never complete lay in the new Settlements and Central Halls which Nonconformity erected in town centres .
7 If he ended up with a taste for feudalism and aristocracy it was because he believed that the old paternalism was better than the inhuman gulf between ‘ classes ’ — ‘ One would wish to see the rich mingle with the poor as much as may be upon a footing of fraternal equality . ’
8 Nevertheless , in the Superette , these days , it 's true , the eyes of Tod Friendly linger on the bodies of the local frauleins as they tug their carts .
9 Researches into Border ballads were to lead to the composition of Scott 's immensely popular Lay of the Last Minstrel .
10 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
11 We represent over four million levy paying members , the trade unions that is , and it 's only right that they should have a proper say in the election of the Lad Labour leader , not just the thirty percent as is being suggested here .
12 While neither the National Union nor the peers could have a direct say in the choice of leader it was nevertheless thought desirable , if only for reasons of tact , to know their views .
13 Most experimental studies of sleep now allow subjects a night of acclimatization to laboratory conditions , so that on their first night they are wired up in the usual way , but whatever recordings made are discarded , and the experiments proper begin on the second night .
14 The New Zealand government looks after the Cook Islands , Niue and Tokelau ; the Americans have Samoa , and the British look after the four islands of the Pitcairn group , selling stamps for the islanders to help them keep up their revenues .
15 Radiographic pneumonia was defined as the presence of an alveolar or interstitial infiltrate in a chest radiograph .
16 The garment leaves the front of the body bare , and clings tightly to the parts it does cover , marked only by the hems and a tiny free hang below the elbows .
17 FORMER Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher now pockets more every minute than the unemployed get in a week .
18 There was a wet feel to the body .
19 He did n't know how — perhaps a different feel to the tiller or in the way the bows felt at the sea .
20 The components provide for automatic on-line retry as a way to achieve high system availability , AT&T says , adding that software fault tolerance can be provided in an application whether or not the underlying hardware or operating system is fault-tolerant .
21 Over 12 acres of Gardens ranging from the formal circular Rose Garden on the site of the Old Keep to the Wild Garden in the ravine .
22 This was imported as N18548 in 1978 , and was last understood to be on extended rebuild on the Isle of Wight .
23 I can remember hardly anybody 's names that I served with in the Signal section in eh in Colchester , ca n't even remember the officer 's name , the if people left somewhere erm , south of Colchester in Essex well it was quite quite and eh , he , we use to go out there and play , play a village team football , you know and have a , have a right have a right old do in the evenings .
24 But , the heavens opened as it seems they only can when the British take to the outdoors in mid-summer .
25 He found him , stout and pink , in a brown suit , knee-breeches , and blue-grey stockings , sitting in the farm kitchen on the wooden settle by the fire , smoking a long clay pipe .
26 Many children have been injured in increasing numbers over the last year , and it was the idea of one school teacher in Oxford to bring a group of gendarmes over to England to teach children how the French behave on the roads .
27 It is difficult to exaggerate how many eggs the French have in the EC-German basket .
28 Hundreds of residents had a public meeting in the village hall to hear Ken Hind explain about the bypass .
29 It 's profitable let on a single-day basis .
30 The Chipping Norton edition of the Oxford Times features Susan Cook , an eighteen year old fashion student from Faringdon , who was runner up in a national competition for young deaf achiever of the year .
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