Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb base] him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wanted to look pale and interesting and bowl him over with my sparkling wit ! ’
2 James and the Nazarean hierarchy send their own missionaries in his wake , to undo his preaching and compromise him with his own converts — for Paul , by now , is preaching something very different from what the Nazareans themselves , under Jesus 's brother , have sanctioned .
3 When will you realise that so-called ‘ funny-man ’ Vic Reeves is n't actually funny and see him for what he is — a talentless , dumb Northerner .
4 It would n't have happened if Angie had n't been around as well , to keep his morale high and encourage him .
5 I am charming and invite him to stay with us .
6 I wish I may not be too fond and make him indifferent .
7 I want to get chummy and get him quickly . "
8 ‘ Keep him warm and give him plenty to drink .
9 Should she go downstairs , outside and ask him what he wanted ?
10 Phone Rich and ask him about the sound !
11 I advised Jeanne to take Moby to as wide a variety of different places as possible and encourage him to meet many more people and dogs .
12 ‘ Yes , Piper , he wants you to get yourself , and your bagpipes , over there as soon as possible and play him a tune .
13 He talks enthusiastically about ‘ getting back to some real police work ’ in ‘ the real world ’ , even though his responsibilities as Divisional Commander will be mainly administrative and give him little or no contact with the ‘ dangerous classes ’ .
14 I fell asleep and remember him lifting me off and putting me on the settee cushion but I 'd had a tiring evening and hardly stirred .
15 asleep and vote him in again ?
16 A true mystical experience is not only intended to make the adept less egotistic but it should also make him more alert and help him to function better .
17 He comes away from the roots and I swing the rod over to my right , parallel with the water , to keep him low and prevent him from splashing at the surface .
18 The provisions for capital gains tax relief for entrepreneurs were also amended to extend the relief to gains arising from the sale of quoted shares where the qualifying entrepreneur held them when they were unquoted and allow him or her to claim relief when they receive shares in another company in exchange for unquoted shares in their own .
19 Maggie had the greatest desire to answer in Spanish and confound him , but in the first place she was n't exactly up to it , and secondly she was keeping it under her hat .
20 At its most extreme form it was expressed by J. B. Watson in 1925 : ‘ Give me a dozen healthy infants , well formed , and my own specified world to bring them up in , and I will guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select — doctor , lawyer , artist , merchant chief , and yes , even beggarman and thief , regardless of his talents , penchants , tendencies , abilities , vocations , and the race of his ancestors . ’
21 He tried to break down the father-role position doctors held , so the patients could feel more relaxed and see him almost as an equal .
22 I am horrified and wish him a very quick recovery . ’
23 I just hope that he believes what he sees , that you do n't become too obvious and make him realize that he 's being set up . ’
24 She could guess roughly what he was promising but let him keep his secret .
25 He ( or she ) feels that no one could possibly like or appreciate him and that he has nothing to offer .
26 Lots of people neither like nor trust him ; they still think of him as ‘ Slick Willie ’ .
27 I 'll be sure and get him to call you tomorrow .
28 Many Cubans still like and respect him .
29 For the time being , find the Prior and tell him that I am back and arrange for some hot water to be brought here . ’
30 If I can make him play deep and keep him as far away from our goal as possible the more I 'll fancy our chances . ’
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