Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] for the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Government must recognise that training is the way forward both for the long-term unemployed and for the business community . ’
2 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
3 Away from industry , areas stacked up with chemicals , the Isle is raw and for the taking .
4 Nevertheless , while regarded by the vast majority of members as good , proper and for the immediate and ultimate improvement of professional standards , the concept was challenged on a number of points , though these challenges were directed against the logistics of the proposal rather than the philosophy .
5 It was empty but for the Doctor , looking very smug , and the TARDIS .
6 Then he went , leaving the house empty but for the woman and the Overseer .
7 The roof of the City stretched away from him like a vast field of snow , empty but for the small group of officials who were gathered , heads bowed , beside the open hatchway .
8 One night the black spring sky may be quiet and peaceful , empty but for the cicadas .
9 The car park was empty but for the elderly gentleman 's massive Ford , which was just crunching over the gravel towards the road , an old but impressive bronze Aston Martin which Charlotte supposed must belong to Gus — it sent him up a couple of notches in her regard — and the school bus , still stationary , boiling over with bored boys , and emitting a plaintive chorus of : ‘ Why are we waiting ? ’
10 I am nothing but a stomach of cheap tin , empty but for the clanking of a few tin cans which have been squashed by a gargantuan hand and thrown together .
11 Siobhan 's bedroom is empty but for the pink carpet , a bed with a pink bedspread and a chest of drawers rattling vacantly from some obscure , whining wind .
12 The place is empty but for the bar and three or four slightly-built lads shooting pool without words .
13 He was standing in his pyjamas in his bedroom , which was empty but for the usual furniture .
14 So he decides to be cautious and for the first few laps , he just sits and waits .
15 This pits the incumbent , Boris Yeltsin , who is moderately democratic and for the republics , against Nikolai Ryzhkov , an orthodox Communist .
16 This is necessary not only for the individual but for the development of society .
17 The toll on the Lisbon troops was one dead and seven wounded and for the rebels three dead and fifteen wounded , including one civilian .
18 The hammock , which was slung from a long pole carried on the shoulders of two men , was used for transporting the sick and infirm across rough country terrain and , in and around Funchal , for the rich and for the tourists who were carried through the dirty , and sometimes muddy , streets .
19 This must be achieved as well as possible and for the best price .
20 These were ( 1 ) ‘ Association for the Oral Institution of the Deaf and Dumb ’ based at Fitzroy Square , London , founded in 1872 ( 2 ) ‘ Society for Training Teachers of the Deaf and for the Diffusion of the German System ’ , based at the training college at Ealing , founded in 1877 ( 3 ) ‘ College of Teachers of the Deaf and Dumb ’ , founded in 1885 .
21 Many cell types undergo apoptosis when they are deprived of serum or specific growth factors ( reviewed in ref. 15 ) , and this was the case both for the parental and for the cells ( Fig. 1 a ) .
22 It also becomes more specific and for the higher potencies the remedy selection has to be more accurate for the remedy to work .
23 Early on a wet Sunday morning outside Yaroslavl station , in the centre of Moscow , my journey was complete and for the first time in 10 days I was alone .
24 And should the conditions about availability of , or taking of , food be national or for the local Licensing Justices to attach as appropriate when granting the Children 's Certificate ?
25 And , very exceptionally , a school 's staff might be marginally increased in such a way as to allow time for a curriculum leader to do some leading or for the mentors of new teachers to provide their counsel .
26 It is possible for the conclusion of an inductive argument to be false and for the premises to be true and yet for no contradiction to be involved .
27 Panic slapped her hard and for the splitting of a second she hesitated .
28 I was totally conscious and for the first time since my labour started I felt relaxed .
29 We do n't all have Watkins ' advantages : a lifetime 's familiarity and sympathy with his native countryside ; the photographer 's eye for detail , for the unusual and for the properly framed view ; and the advantage of access to the countryside as part of his daily work .
30 But the question had been unwelcome and for the first time some of his cockiness seemed to have drained from him .
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