Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus many though by no means all European States had at their disposal means of recruiting by compulsion considerable numbers of men for military service .
2 There remained , according to a State Department spokesman , the US stipulation that all South African political prisoners had to be released .
3 Other , more subtle methods had to be employed .
4 The Nationwide Building Society felt that they could not increase their investment because it was linked to unchanged valuations and therefore the new ratio of public to private funds had to be higher than before , even though the housing association was prepared to invest some of its own resources .
5 Social contacts had to be preserved , and ties flowing from feelings of friendship remained indispensable .
6 He warned the congress that old dogmas had to be abandoned and new principles adopted for the changing times .
7 This division of support had potentially serious consequences as it was commonly accepted that all four constituent groups had to be united behind a single candidate if the Democrats were to regain of the White House .
8 The same is true of the Marques de Pombal , who for over a quarter of a century ( 1750–77 ) was virtual ruler of Portugal as all-powerful chief minister of King Joseph I. His efforts to revive the country 's economic life and challenge the dominance which British merchants had for decades wielded over its foreign trade , his ferocious repression of noble opposition , his brutal expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 ( see p. 454 ) , show a far more truly radical attitude to tradition and established interests than Frederick II displayed .
9 More and more self-build projects are taking off all over the NorthEast and Mr Edwards said clear guidelines had to be laid down .
10 Needless to say , plants had to evolve before animals : i.e. they had to become the food for which primitive animals had in turn to colonize the land to seek .
11 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
12 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
13 The Spanish were sometimes justified in thinking that a pirate base was precisely what English companies had in mind ; in the 1630s the providence Island Company was set up by determined Protestants who thought that plundering Catholic ships would be rewarded in this world and the next , though other Englishmen , who settled informally on the east coast of central America , were concerned with felling trees and exporting logwood as a dye-stuff .
14 Many are English , about which I have no objection , but it would be nice if more Scottish pubs had at least one tap for an indigenous product .
15 Once requisitioned , vessels originally built for commercial purposes had to be adapted for military ones .
16 To give it a chance of success , some French troops had to be withdrawn from south of the Somme and their lines taken over by Haig 's men , disrupting his own long-planned attack in Flanders .
17 Some French troops had to be withdrawn from Brittany to pursue and harry Gaunt 's forces , but the diversion of the expedition from its original destination served to embitter relations between Duke John and Gaunt , which were in any case strained after a quarrel between them over the wages due to their troops , and the English garrisons at Brest , Bécherel ( a fortress some twenty miles south of St Malo ) , and Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte were still hard pressed by du Guesclin 's forces .
18 Nursing staff from the in-patient unit experienced many of the same problems towards the out-patient teams as residential workers had in relation to fieldworkers .
19 They were marked by an unexpected degree of mutual respect and by the URNG 's acceptance of guarantees of future reforms , in place of its previous insistence that certain social problems had to be solved as a precondition to any agreement .
20 There was only one criteria for entry into the scheme : would-be owners had to be able to look after their personal care needs .
21 But the news , later in the day , that the first of at least 10 chartered trains had at last crossed the border into Czechoslovakia revived the East Germans ' spirit of solidarity in the face of inconvenience and discomfort .
22 Many who had earlier worked against Scottish interests had for some time been making covert approaches and promises through envoys between the two Courts .
23 But even in Etruria , although different processes had to be synchronised , the rhythm of labour was still determined by hand work .
24 All raw materials had to be washed before processing , and especially in the case of imports there was a need to get rid of dirt , seeds and insects .
25 In particular , the rapid ossification of the Soviet hardline position in the East and the Cold War division which resulted from this meant that clear decisions had to be taken .
26 The rule is justified by the burden that would be placed upon legal advisers and the uncertainty that would be introduced into the law if such historical materials had to be consulted .
27 The streets and public spaces had to be seen to be safe , from both criminals and demonstrates .
28 The AFP report also said that Ethiopian forces had on March 9 participated in the successful attack on the border town of Pochala ( held by the SPLA since 1985 ) .
29 Usually only two or three information officers are involved in development work but because of the enormity of this task , different groupings had to be considered .
30 In 1907 about 2,250,000 German peasants had from 5 to 250 acres apiece , most of them less than 50 .
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