Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 Farmers , whether on a large or small scale , faced new demands on their managerial abilities and technical skills almost every day — decisions and actions they usually had to make and take on their own .
2 In inflationary times almost every ageing person experiences some anxiety about how their finances will hold out , leading to severe economies over food , fuel , and replacement of clothing and household goods .
3 Most Long-tailed Ducks are seen at sea or on tidal waters , but one or two are recorded on inland waters almost every year .
4 You travel all over the world and stay in the top hotels where every room has its own sauna , jacuzzi , and hot and cold running maids .
5 The campaign of mass action organized by the ANC and its allies which began on June 16 [ see p. 38948 ] continued during July with demonstrations of differing sizes almost every day .
6 It is a good idea to say the key words aloud every time as you check each item so that it becomes a habit .
7 The first impression was , to say the least , somewhat awe inspiring — smooth , dark grey , concrete walls stretching up about ten metres with raised gun-towers approximately every 100 metres .
8 Another old miner , a beautiful , gracious man with a graceful mind , but breathless with pneumoconiosis , showed me a list of disastrous explosions in the Yorkshire collieries in the thirties and early forties — there were major explosions nearly every year .
9 There seems to be no absolute reality in the world of physical forms where every creature sees things differently .
10 Luxury hotels where every comfort is the key , with everything your need for a really relaxing weekend .
11 There was a rapid increase in the number of proposals before the Group in 1975 , and James Porter recalls taking part in two-day visits roughly every other week .
12 I carried on with the Debenham players getting small parts almost every year in the pantomimes , they were n't major acting roles but for a nine , ten , eleven year old child they sufficed .
13 And I 'll love you and Matthew and Green Gables more every day of my life . ’
14 We need we need four like that four quarters that 's good and then for each one of those when we 've cut it in two it would give us two of the new pieces so every one of those four would give us two new pieces how many would we have altogether then ?
15 Madreidetic had nothing against franchising : there were tawdry oriental souks ; Andronican holos where every passer-by became a hero or a young beauty ; jungles full of bird-song .
16 Take , for instance , a firm that pays a single $10m claim for product-liability damages once every three years , on average .
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