Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 at one hundred and thirty pounds , one forty in the back row , one fifty one sixty one seventy one eighty one ninety two hundred two hundred pounds in the back row , at two hundred pounds , two twenty to my right the lady 's bid , sir two forty two forty , going on ?
2 To this the applicant and his advisers respond that however understandable the authorities ' current attitude may be the course which they are adopting is unfair , for two cumulative reasons .
3 For the surgery being considered here , often called ‘ conversion surgery ’ , involves one or more of several procedures which aim to transform as far as is possible the subject 's anatomy so that it approximates that of a member of the preferred sex .
4 The ‘ key informant ’ will often be the same individual as made possible the researcher 's access to the group , and may become almost a partner in the research .
5 The decision to induce or not should be discussed , and if possible the woman 's views respected .
6 The widow had wanted the house to be opened to the public — the trustees say they 're sorry the owner 's dying wish was denied , but it was n't legally binding .
7 It is , in my judgment , putting it too high to say that the interim relief claimed covering only five weeks before the main hearing , must be treated as pre-empting the court 's powers of decision at the eventual hearing .
8 The longer the period of detention the greater is the need for creating in the prison conditions which will keep alive the prisoner 's mental interests and social instincts .
9 The latest findings give an indication of how narrow the Tories ' lead has become .
10 Building work is due to start in November , and when it 's complete the women 's group will be transferring its operations from Rockview Street to the new Broadway premises .
11 Where the statute is not clear the court 's determination of which of the options set out above applies may well depend on the strength of the presumption .
12 This wider context for LMS makes clear the government 's intention of creating a more competitive environment for schools by putting them very firmly in the market-place .
13 Finally , it should be noted that s.14 of the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 , restating a rule first contained in the 1958 Act , provides that no provision in legislation prior to 1958 should be taken as ousting the supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court , thus making clear the Government 's intention that all statutory tribunals should be subject to this jurisdiction regardless of whether other remedies are provided .
14 An action plan — making clear the Government 's commitments and targets , both those established under White Papers and new decisions — action by other sectors also vital .
15 An action plan — making clear the Government 's commitments and targets , both those established under White Papers and new decisions — action by other sectors also vital .
16 A Foreign Office spokesman said : ‘ Ministers have repeatedly made clear the Government 's position on PR and there are no plans to change it . ’
17 In fact the Report immediately makes clear the Committee 's view that English involves far more than lucidity and fitness to a specific purpose , in that it is also potentially a powerful force for national cultural enrichment , and even international cultural ascendency :
18 ‘ It 's a' the snapper 's fault , me being fat .
19 Later , he comments on this , as follows : ‘ In treating of the development of the notion of thought , we may regard as primitive the child 's conviction that it thinks with the mouth .
20 Not all the editors are guilty : the volumes prepared by Busser , Guilmant , Hahn , Marty and Debussy , for instance , may not measure up to today 's scholarly standards , but in most respects they do not seriously misrepresent the composer 's intentions .
21 When things are going wrong the Government 's supporters call it a failure of presentation and everyone trots out the old excuse that ‘ we are not getting the message across ’ .
22 The physiotherapist may hold the other end of the stick and direct the patient 's movements , guiding the patient 's arm and shoulder girdle so that they move in the correct sequence .
23 Another advanced pattern is for the physiotherapist to hold a cloth stretched between her hands : the patient holds the cloth in his hemiplegic hand and follows the movements as the physiotherapist takes the cloth in different directions , guiding the patient 's arm around , forwards and backwards .
24 They are of value in guiding the clinician 's testing of aphasic patients , but are not of direct value in relation to theorising about the language-processing system and how it can go wrong after brain damage , because one can not answer such question as ‘ In Broca 's aphasia , how is the language-processing system malfunctioning ? ’
25 Their task , as they saw it , was largely one of preserving internal stability while adroitly guiding the organization 's response to fast-paced external change ’ ( Waterman et al. , 1991 : 51 ) .
26 Both boys and girls make identifications with their fathers and mothers , and the relative strength of these will depend on the degree of bisexuality in the individual : the more masculine the girl , the stronger the identification with her father is likely to be ; the more feminine the boy 's constitutional make-up , the stronger the identification with his mother is likely to be and the weaker his identification with father .
27 Such knowledge , of course , renders superfluous the priest 's role as interpreter , as intermediary between God and man .
28 The Supreme Court on June 6 ruled unconstitutional the government 's emergency legislation banning independent labour tribunals from awarding inflationary wage increases .
29 This had been badly damaged when on Oct. 3 the Constitutional Court ruled unconstitutional the government 's proposals , based on the main plank of Smallholders ' policy , to return to their original owners lands confiscated by the state after the communists had taken power in 1947 .
30 The reduction process determines which five vectors are the most significant of a vector sequence based on the lengths of the vectors and how different the vector 's direction is from its predecessor .
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