Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 A bicycle wheel fitted into the rail slots perfectly , with disasterous results as Yanto had often discovered after the odd liquid lunch at the Sharpness Hotel .
2 Tom Fearon , an odd moody person at times , nevertheless had a considerable reputation as a lady 's man .
3 The former , who had succeeded to his title in 1543 , had maintained a strong feudal authority at the service of three Tudor monarchs with divergent religious attitudes .
4 Many suffered hardship waiting for payments but were also made ineligible for help from the Independent Living Fund and other benefits because of the ‘ complete administrative disarray at the Benefits Agency ’ .
5 Gloria said that when a person does not receive the right emotional nourishment at a stage in their life , then they can stay in that emotional period .
6 However , even here a discrepancy arises as Mercier shows the keyfronts to be black ( just as we see them on the William Smith ) , whereas in all of the spinets by Hitchcock and in his sole surviving harpsichord at the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , the colour of the keyfronts matches the natural key plates ( i.e. ivory keys always have ivory arcades ) .
7 And the PLO , Israel and several Arab states are to meet to discuss regional economic development at the World Bank headquarters in Washington on September 20 .
8 As a young man he found ungainful but instructive employment as assistant private secretary at the Colonial Office ( 1892–5 ) .
9 Looking out of a tall narrow window at a winter sky , the only source of light in a darkened room .
10 That 's why he is fielding a strong reserve side at Liverpool tonight .
11 So that we really do hope that when the news comes through today , it 's going to be positive and the international community , if I can put it this strongly , will have come to it 's senses and said this can not go on , we must have a more representative political presence at the U N.
12 Earlier this month Kenneth took part in the BSAD regional junior athletics at Monkton Stadium , Jarrow .
13 The main targets were as follows : ( i ) to increase gross national product ( GNP ) at an average annual growth rate of about 6 per cent ; ( ii ) to increase the total output value of industry and agriculture at an average annual rate of 6.1 per cent ; ( iii ) to increase total agricultural output at an average annual rate of 3.5 per cent , with grain output reaching 500,000,000 tonnes and cotton 5,250,000 tonnes by 2000 ; ( iv ) to increase total industrial output at an average annual rate of 6.8 per cent , with the output of raw coal reaching 1,400 million tonnes , electricity 1,100 million kWh , steel 80,000,000 tonnes , chemical fertilizer 120,000,000 tonnes and rail freight 1,900 million tonnes ; ( v ) to ensure that 40 per cent of major products in the machine-building and light industry sector reached or approached relatively advanced international standards ; ( vi ) to raise the proportion of the tertiary sector in the GNP from the current 25 per cent to around 33 per cent ; and ( vii ) to control the average annual population growth rate at below 12.5 per thousand .
14 On Jan. 23 , representatives of Hungary , Poland , Romania , Slovakia and Ukraine established the Carpathia-Tisza Economic Working Community at Nyiregyhaza in Hungary , along the lines of the Alpen-Adria Economic Community [ see p. 38508 ] ; a formal document was due to be signed by member states in April .
15 Farrar was educated at the Rev. Thomas Arnold 's private oral school at Northampton and was a child prodigy who passed both the London University and Cambridge University examinations by the time he was 17 , and could no doubt have gone on towards a degree had he been inclined to do so .
16 Repot annually in March or early April and give a weak liquid feed at fortnightly intervals from May to September .
17 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
18 CATHOLIC BISHOPS stepped into the Spanish political arena at the weekend by warning Basques not to vote in this month 's elections for Herri Batasuna , the legal arm of ETA , the Basque terrorist group .
19 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
20 Nor is this merely constitutional or political theory , divorced from reality , for without doubt the election in 1985 for the GLC would have turned very largely on this issue and on the view taken of the controversial Labour administration at County Hall during its four years in office .
21 That view is shared by the assistant regional director at CBI Northern , Mr. Neil Etherington , who said recently : ’ The North East will pull us out of the recession .
22 Quite apart from the impending expansion and modernisation of our fleet , we had been going through a difficult period in the prevailing political climate at HQ .
23 Two Teesside men are likely to appear before a special court today after being arrested and questioned in connection with an armed attempted raid at Eves Garage and a cigarettes snatch at a supermarket on The Parade in Whitby on Wednesday .
24 Seventeenth-century Russia , poor , remote , deeply xenophobic , was not generally seen as part of the European political system at all .
25 The definition of the S-B free volume can be seen from figure 12.10 to be where V o ι is the hypothetical liquid volume at absolute zero .
26 At first appraisal , Great Britain was , in 1914 , undisputed mistress of the seas , as she had been since 1805 when Admiral Lord Nelson destroyed the combined Franco-Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar .
27 There is therefore a globally stable long-run equilibrium at .
28 While assurances were offered that India had no war plans , the Pakistan representative expressed unease at India 's refusal to alter the deployment of its forces in the Kashmir border area .
29 For those patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction less than 30% who have no inducible ventricular arrhythmia at baseline electrophysiological study , the prognosis is intermediate between the above two groups and an ICD is likewise indicated .
30 First he would have pushed a strong diversionary force at Charleroi , then , when the allies moved to defend Brussels from the south , he would have launched the real attack to the west .
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