Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A balance is possible for both music and speech and the right adjustment will make a noticeable difference .
2 These areas are specifically set apart for retail outlets ( both large and small ) and are designed to be as convenient and pleasant as possible for both customer and retailers .
3 We shall see later that when one combines general relativity with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics , it is possible for both space and time to be finite without any edges or boundaries .
4 However Dateline was right about both compatibility and chemistry , and Barry and Jean married earlier this year .
5 The climate extremes suggested by the physical models would have rendered southern Africa inhospitable for both animal and plant life , yet fossils of the most diverse and prolific terrestrial vertebrates , the mammal-like reptiles dicynodonts , are found in South Africa , Zambia , Zimbabwe , Malawi and Tanzania .
6 These findings were also confirmed in the USA , where Butler and Fuguitt ( 1970 ) and Hassinger ( 1957 ) from work in Wisconsin and Minnesota , found that rural settlements near larger albeit not very much larger towns , tended to grow faster than average , although the findings were not universal through either time or space .
7 Public area lighting should be adequate for both daytime and evening activities , flattering to tired complexions , and gently dimmed after dark .
8 ( And under current legislation , the payout to you will be free of both income tax and capital gains tax , because GRE will have already paid tax on the underlying investment . )
9 Following this expressivist logic , if a group is unable to objectify its interests in certain domains it may attempt to create its own cultural forms in some other field , although some groups without any resources are bereft of both power and prospects in virtually all spheres .
10 The first defined them as potentially active and vital contributors to the economy ; the second as vulnerable individuals who would be bereft of both health and personal satisfaction by enforced retirement .
11 What is clear under both Article 35 and 36 is that the third party remains just that : it does not become a party to the entire treaty .
12 It is a lottery philosophy , and lottery risk is something different from both insurance and Broadway risk .
13 The second of the AEP programmes was radically different in both philosophy and structure from the first .
14 These three publications are different in both character and ( one imagines ) specific purposes .
15 The next chapter will be rather different in both intention and structure , for it will not examine the work in detail of particular leaders in the field nor give attention to the teasing out of any particular principles .
16 Water and fibre in food provide no calories at all , so vegetables and salad foods which are high in both water and fibre are low in calories .
17 Instead , people crave foods which are high in both sugar and fat , such as cakes biscuits , ice cream and chocolate .
18 He specialised in portraits of the ladies of the period and was particularly interested in there clothing .
19 The head of the figure at the extreme left of the Demoiselles is , like that of her companions in the centre of the picture , expressionless and impassive but now has about it a mask-like quality that recalls a wide variety of African tribal masks in which the component parts of the head and face have about them exactly the same quality of definition , although here the similarities may possibly be simply affinities rather than derivations ; the heads of many of the paintings of late 1906 had also been severe and mask-like although they tend to resemble sculptures in stone , whereas the head of the demoiselle in question looks more wooden in both colour and texture .
20 Segregative in both appearance and admission policies , they catered mostly for elderly disabled people .
21 Studies are therefore mostly in agreement that hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia are more prevalent in both Type I and 2 diabetic subjects , especially at diagnosis of diabetes .
22 The British Crime Survey found , for example , that ( as classified by the ACORN ‘ Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods ’ system ) there were three types of area which were especially prone to both crime and fear of crime : ‘ High-status non-family areas ’ ( I ) , ‘ Multi-racial areas ’ ( H ) , and ‘ Poorest council estates ’ ( G ) .
23 These are words whose meaning can only be discovered by referring to other words or to elements of the context which are clear to both sender and receiver .
24 The ‘ exercise mode ’ can be very useful when the purpose is clear to both teacher and class .
25 At first she kept insisting she would be right as rain in the morning , but after the blackbird had heralded in three more mornings , it was clear to both mother and daughter that Martha 's grip on life was weakening .
26 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
27 Planning in this latter sense is , in our opinion , perfectly attainable without either nationalisation or an insoluble compensation problem .
28 Aiming at ‘ normal ’ concentrations runs the risk of inducing phenylalanine deficiency , which several lines of evidence suggest is harmful to both nutrition and brain development .
29 Global industries , such as securities and commercial banking are using isolated systems less and less , and are instead becoming increasingly dependent on both voice and data networks .
30 If this is not the case , split off into a separate relation those attributes that are dependent on only part of the key .
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