Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 And according to the erm agreement which I made with the franchisee in June eighty nine erm his rent is also due for review er this August .
2 Micky Stewart , who is retiring as England 's team manager , will remain with the TCCB as ‘ development of excellence officer ’ .
3 A little firm just down the road had developed QDOS — Quick and Dirty Operating System — which looked just right for IBM 's PC. $100,000 later , Microsoft had bought the rights to QDOS , renamed it MS-DOS — Microsoft Disk Operating System , no frivolous acronyms for Big Blue , please — and licensed it to IBM .
4 King James sometimes fell asleep during Ben 's plays .
5 Philip did n't think there was much normal about Barry 's Mum , the way she thought Barry was perfect .
6 It should be emphasised that these phenomena are distinct from the Lorenz instability : in fact this domain ( YC = I " = -I " ) is absolutely stable for y = 0 , the Lorenz limit .
7 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
8 It would be possible for officers ' secretaries to deal with external calls and most people do dial out direct anyway .
9 For those within ‘ the Movement ’ , a week 's cycling holiday using CTC accommodation was possible for £3 10/ all in ; organized excursions took in the Scottish Isles , the West of Ireland , and the Black Forest in Germany .
10 Without such understandings of why teachers do what they do , it is then possible for researchers ' and policy-makers ' own interpretations to flood into the vacuum .
11 How is it possible for Christ 's death to affect me ?
12 It is now possible for Down 's children to find places in special schools from a relatively early age , in some cases from the age of three onwards .
13 His increased cash resources , and increasing commercial activity in the Frankish heartlands , made it possible for Charles 's household officers to organise the provisioning of the court by buying from local markets .
14 Alternatively , it may be possible for Newco 's loan capital obligations to be novated to Target , so that Target becomes directly responsible for financing interest payments .
15 Rumours have always been rife about Macari 's interest in turf accountancy .
16 I was upset about Sheila 's illness , upset and angry .
17 Mrs Brissett 's very upset about Harriet 's death .
18 ‘ At least he maintains our myth about the mission , ’ said Ludens to Gildas , ‘ and he 's bloody right about Marcus 's courage . ’
19 Had she been right about Luke 's involvement with him too ?
20 Beth had been surprised to know that Cissie herself had been thinking along those very same lines , and it only told her that she was right about Maisie 's children — they were growing up fast .
21 It could have been as an unlucky loser against Fisher in the Ulster championships that Stephen Gibson got this glamour trip , but there was nothing controversial about Eddie 's win this time over the Immaculata lad .
22 We conclude that TCR -β rearrangement is unnecessary for TCR rearrangement .
23 But it is possible through Club Bon Viveur , organised by restaurant critics Les Routiers .
24 IT IS not easy to feel sorry for China 's prime minister , Li Peng .
25 She felt rather sorry for Sarah 's rejects and often tried , unsuccessfully , to be asked out by them .
26 And for as long as the public continue to be wary of , or feel sorry for Down 's children , there will be a considerable social stigma to contend with .
27 For a fleeting moment Gina almost felt sorry for Hanne 's recalcitrant son .
28 Feel sorry for Saffron 's son .
29 Martyn Moxon , Yorkshire 's present incumbent , is grateful for Carrick 's supportive stance as he succeeds in creating an atmosphere in which young talent can flourish .
30 There was as much chance of that as flying to the moon but Wilson was grateful for Pen 's long memory .
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