Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 She hesitated before answering , still apprehensive about what the next day would bring .
2 For its part , Scottish Nuclear has also embarked on a programme to reduce the cost of electricity it produces for the Scottish power companies from 3.2p per unit last year to a target level of 2.5p to ensure the operation remains financially strong and profitable for whatever the future might hold .
3 If I am right about what the fluke genes are doing , it follows that we can legitimately speak of fluke genes as influencing snail bodies , in just the same sense as snail genes influence snail bodies .
4 The Julians subscribed to the idea that one grew and was grateful for whatever the country best produced .
5 I welcome the Government 's initiative to help the homeless , and we are grateful for what the Department of the Environment has done .
6 I am grateful for what the hon. and learned Gentleman has said .
7 I am grateful for what the hon. Gentleman has said , because it enables me to explain that proposals for a local income tax relating it to ability to pay have been rejected in Committee and on Report , so we are now in the business of trying to improve this unfair tax which is based on property .
8 The person you are dealing with will also find it far easier to be helpful if she/he is clear about what the problem is and what you want .
9 Before the selection process begins , candidates need to be clear about what the job abroad entails .
10 Moving on to the question of defenders stopping the try by not standing on the goal-line , Law 27(e) is clear about what the offending team must do : ‘ The opposing team must run without delay ( and continue to do so while the kick is being taken and while the ball is being played by the kicker 's team ) to or behind the line parallel to the goal-lines and 10 metres from the mark , or to their own goal-line if nearer to the mark .
11 ‘ Local interpretation ’ probably relates to another strategy which instructs the hearer / reader to do as little processing as possible , only to construct a representation which is sufficiently specific to permit an interpretation which is adequate for what the hearer judges the purpose of the utterance to be .
12 Despite a piddling little incident in Aberdeen in 1989 when he was reported to the Procurator Fiscal for what the law delicately describes as ‘ a public nuisance offence ’ , Nicholas began to re-build his reputation at Aberdeen , a city whose heritage was built on fish and has the highest concentration of chip shops in Scotland .
13 Again , Howell is unequivocal about what the event — which is also organised by Glasgow Development Agency , Scottish Software Federation , itacs at Strathclyde University and the computing science department of Glasgow University — should achieve .
14 Er you must you must be clear of what the right answer is .
15 They are less afraid of what the community will say .
16 Between the two of them there grew up so great an affection that King Henry was much alarmed and , afraid of what the future might hold in store , he decided to postpone his return to England until he knew what lay behind this sudden friendship . "
17 The little goblin , who was terribly afraid of what the king of the vookodlaks would do to him if Yanek went home to look after his grandfather , gave him a great push .
18 She licked her dry lips , afraid of what the next few minutes would reveal .
19 What do you think is wrong with what the assistant is saying ?
20 What 's wrong with us the way we are ?
21 One small colony remained all the time on their beach , an isolated solitary place of grey pebbles below greenish breakwaters ; high above them the blind-eyed office blocks glittered pink and yellow in the sun .
22 High above them the constant roof of clouds would merely lighten and darken in a long solar axial period of 116.8 days .
23 High above us the celestial spheres of satellite communication look down upon us , observing any change in the weather , any reshuffle in the quiver of minutemen missiles in the United States ' desert arsenal , any time Mrs McGinty fails to hang out her Tuesday wash .
24 No , do n't try being evasive with me the way you were with the police , because it wo n't wash .
25 What a fellow member of its same species sees of it , is quite different from what the individual feels about itself .
26 James and the Nazarean hierarchy send their own missionaries in his wake , to undo his preaching and compromise him with his own converts — for Paul , by now , is preaching something very different from what the Nazareans themselves , under Jesus 's brother , have sanctioned .
27 And of course he meant something probably rather different from what the popular meaning is .
28 We could not claim , as part of the explicit extension , that if the words of a statute are clear in themselves the law contains that clear meaning , for example .
29 At Isleten a narrow mountain road ( used by the postbus ) also swings off to the left , running for 19km ( 12 miles ) to the rocky and romantic Isenthal from which the ascent to the ice-capped Uri Rotstock is approached .
30 Suddenly other EC countries are interested in what the British have to say .
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