Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] become a " in BNC.

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1 It was through this most improbable passage of Scripture , taken home to her by the Spirit , that she in due course became a Christian .
2 The professional correspondent became a stock figure in farces and films .
3 In all these areas — the unions , the local authorities , the Church , the media , the universities and schools — the paradox was that a government notionally dedicated to extending individualism and the private ethic became a champion of greater centralization and state control .
4 The machine-based fundament of modern civilisation has emancipated even those most exposed to severance from the requirements of life ; broader and less mutilated existence become a viable possibility .
5 The Comintern worked predictably but with difficulty to establish control over the recalcitrant comrades in both factions but was faced with firm opposition from those who did not wish to see Korean communism become a minor branch of the world communist movement directed by Moscow .
6 There was a big turnround at HSBC 's Marine Midland subsidiary , in the US , where a £102 million attributable loss became a £72 million profit last year .
7 Dr Schwarz has suggested that the evidence points to the regional divergence becoming a clear trend only after 1770 , with falls in real wages in the 1760s being avoided only by some groups in Lancashire and Yorkshire .
9 If there is ‘ no way of judging a theory but by assessing the number , faith and vocal energy of its supporters ’ , then truth lies in power ’ , scientific change becomes a matter of ‘ mob psychology ’ and scientific progress is essentially a ‘ bandwagon effect ’ .
10 In the Cold War climate of postwar France , the Nizan Case became a pretext for a political slanging match .
11 These are linked up to some rather clever controls : two concentric pots ( one for master volume and pan pickup selector , the other for active treble boost/cut and active bass boost/cut ) , one four-position rotary switch offering ‘ off ’ , active with mid-boost , active , and passive with the bass boost/cut becoming a master tone control , and a mini-switch that allows you to add the P-bass pickup to any switching combination .
12 Thus , what begins in the springtime of national liberation as a great sense of popular emancipation becomes a range of new and often heightened oppressions , those required for economic development .
13 In this case the present value of the dividends will differ , depending on whether they are being received or paid , and the no-arbitrage condition becomes a no-arbitrage band : ( S - D p ) ( 1+r )
14 One of these was Piccadilly Circus , the authors observing that : ‘ here the architectural setting becomes a major consideration , although this must not preclude a satisfactory traffic solution ’ ( para. 32 ) — an almost prophetic comment , bearing in mind the events relating to Piccadilly in the 1960s ( see p. 168 ) .
15 The village inhabitants formed a community because they had to : they were imprisoned by constraints of various kinds , including poverty , so that reciprocal aid became a necessity .
16 The unrealistic ending becomes a piece of courageous rhetoric ; just as the novel itself refuses to accept unhappiness as a logical conclusion , so black women must refuse to accept it .
17 Through the international division of labour , the whole of civilized humanity becomes a great organism ; and precisely by this means , the political freedom and unity of all nations becomes possible .
18 In his Macbeth , the Scottish warlord became a Samurai warrior in 16th century Japan , bludgeoning his way to power beneath a cherry tree that rained white blossom down on him .
19 It is important , therefore , that feminists challenge the current definitions of housing need , and campaign against the public sector becoming a residual category for those who can not afford their own housing .
20 After the first few devastating out-of-loves , she was warily certain that there would always be another goddess ; the old idol became a fond memory , like a photo of a dear friend long absent .
21 Sure enough , Martine did move in , and had two more kids , and the wild old farmhouse became a bourgeois habitat .
22 The headache of having to keep abreast of statutory changes from the Inland Revenue and Department of Social Security becomes a thing of the past .
23 It is only for the last century and a half that a direct picture becomes a convincing possibility .
24 A self-regulating organisation becomes a recognised organisation when it is declared to be such by the Secretary of State : section 9(1) .
25 Here , public art becomes a tonic that can galvanise moribund cities , enthuse alien-ated youth , plug into popular culture and repay risky investments with a dividend of social solidarity .
26 The following year , the local middle classes organised the new Bonfire Societies and controlled popular effervescence became a tourist attraction .
27 With the introduction of steam power from the later eighteenth century , the necessity for a streamside location disappeared and , particularly in regard to cotton spinning , a climate of high humidity became a more important requirement .
28 As one who joined the Leader of the Opposition in voting against the Single European Act , before the right hon. Gentleman became a Euro-fanatic , may I appeal to my right hon. Friend to warn the voters about the huge dangers to the much-improved labour relations of Britain if they were to vote into power any Government who were prepared to pass over the power to wreck our trade union reforms by majority vote in Brussels ?
29 Over the past few years , that area has rightly moved from a marginalized position in cultural theory to become a focus for discussions around language , female desire and popular narratives .
30 In the years immediately after the Second World War , the particular concerns of old age became a subject for serious social investigation for the first time .
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