Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] the same " in BNC.

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1 He knocked boldly on the door of this house , and there was a rustling , and creaking , and the door opened a tiny crack , and there stood a little man , with a face as grey as morning ashes , and a long woolly beard the same colour .
2 Not much chance of this particular member of this particular tribe watching British telly the same night Fish Sparks was .
3 In bulimia or compulsive over-eating the same physical and behavioural recommendations apply as for anorexia .
4 They have all introduced a discount scheme to enable those unfortunate enough not to have a job not to have a proper job the same access to all these facilities as those in work .
5 Officially it 's because there 's a Derwentside civic service the same day ; that Sunderland are also in the FA Cup semi-final is , of course , irrelevant .
6 They LIED to the Daily Mirror the same day when we rang to check .
7 I shall give the hon. Member the same reply that I gave previously : this is a matter for the Leader of the House , who is in the Chamber .
8 Should not he announce that he will withdraw those parts of the Bill and give people seeking political asylum the same rights to legal advice as anyone else would have , rather than introduce this appalling system under which they will not have the same equality before the law ?
9 The following spring the same duo , neither of whom had climbed since the previous autumn , was optimistically toying with the idea of opening the season with Dream of White Horses on Gogarth .
10 The following night the same sound disturbed his normally peaceful night-shift and as he could find no logical explanation he decided to accept whatever it was , but resolved to keep the mystery to himself to avoid the ridicule of his workmates .
11 At its basis is the stale-mate of the party political system which has perverted its raison d'ëtre into mere self-perpetuation the same stale-mate which led to Italy still being without a government three months after the April elections .
12 R. K. Dorendra Singh , sworn in as Chief Minister the same day , said that he would be able to secure a majority in the legislature within the specified time .
13 The omission of the verb gives an immediacy which would be missing from a construction such as It is a virgin scene ( where the present tense is a direct attempt to make a coding time and content time the same ) .
14 The law was substantially modified with regard to two of these matters by the Animals Act 1971 ; but its structure is still in large measure the same and it is convenient to retain the common law headings for the purposes of exposition .
15 If this is not possible , allow roughly the same amount of space on each opposing side ( for example , by placing one side of the rug a few feet from a wall and the opposite side the same distance from a large piece of furniture ) .
16 The exception to this is in sentences 11–14 where we find the locational reference here and functional reference the same chemical is responsible for …
17 Forcing her into a loveless marriage the same way he 's forcing you pair into marrying the Costello sisters .
18 They are also relatively stable across contexts : for instance , a topless swim-suit would seem to exemplify the same sense of topless as ( a ) , and a topless barmaid the same as ( b ) .
19 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
20 Both the Right and the Left share the same awe at the thought of the miners on the move — they bring down governments , they are the labour movement 's prizefighters , our local heroes .
21 Within the human spirit the same processes are present .
22 It has been widely criticized as inequitable , because all those who are not exempt pay the same rate , regardless of income .
23 But was redcurrant jam the same colour in Normandy in 1853 as it is now ?
24 In natural history the same was true , and the careful observer and recorder was a very important person in the advance of the science .
25 At that exact time the same degree of Capricorn was rising as that of the Queen 's birth .
26 In Yemen an official statement on Jan. 17 said that " the military action aimed basically at destroying fraternal Iraq " was " a flagrant challenge to the declared will of the world " ; the Guardian reported that an estimated 100,000 people carrying pro-Iraqi banners attended an anti-US rally the same day in the capital , Sana'a .
27 When used to foreground the character-reader relationship the same device does just the opposite .
28 For very big fish in weedy water the same rigs can be used but the line and hook strength geared up a little .
29 Climbing sports originate for the most part from bush types ‘ sporting ’ extra long canes which still bear the same flowers as the parent .
30 If you find the same language in distant countries , you may be sure that the inhabitants have been the same people , that is to say , if you find the languages a good deal the same ; for a word here and there being the same will not do . ’
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