Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Shevardnadze told members of the European Parliament that while the German people had the right to self-determination there would have to be ‘ political , legal and material guarantees that German unity would not eventually create a threat to the national security of other states and to peace in Europe ’ .
2 On the other hand , to satisfy Kohl , financial assistance to Eastern Europe was promised and it was affirmed that the German people had the right ‘ to regain its unity through free self-determination . ’
3 They claimed the Scottish people had a right to know what it was about .
4 They claimed the Scottish people had a right to know what it was about .
5 A week or so ago I heard — others may have done so , too — Lord Cockfield assert that ’ the British people had no moral right and probably no legal right ’ to resist the demands of a federal Europe .
6 The old people had a name for that as well .
7 Since he had not been a public figure before the war , the mass of French people had no idea what he looked like .
8 The non-insulin dependent diabetic offspring had a considerably reduced β cell function , even though 13 of these subjects were taking sulphonylureas , which increase β cell function about twofold .
9 Trinidadians , disgusted by their violence ( they captured Mr Robinson and shot him in the leg ) , nevertheless reckoned that poor people had a lot to grumble about , as the government slashed away at public spending to rectify past extravagance .
10 Upon learning that these deaf people had no place to go to , or even to worship , Mr. Patterson held a meeting at which the above Association was formed , and enough money was raised to purchase a plot of land at Grosvenor Street where a social meeting place incorporating a small chapel was built .
11 All 14 normal people had the non-mutant version of the gene , whereas the cancer patient had the mutant gene not only in his tumour cells , but in his normal bladder and blood cells as well .
12 The Color Purple does not portray this same view as widely as The Outsiders , mainly because Celie is coloured and in the era that the book was set — 1920 's , racism was very strong and coloured people had no rights at all .
13 I wo n't go into details , but with the two letters at their disposal , plus a couple of other bits of evidence , the forensic people had a field-day .
14 The split apparently came after the fiery-tempered pair had a row about Tatum wanting to go back to acting — leaving McEnroe to look after the children while she makes movies .
15 Engaged as I was in the struggle with myself , the struggle between my self and my body , other people had no real existence for me .
16 Charles could see at first-hand the tension that was building up in the vast depressing wastelands of the inner cities , where young people had no work , no ambition , no feeling of belonging , no pride in their surroundings — nothing , in fact , to get out of bed for in the mornings .
17 Melville continues : ‘ The young people had no idea of how hard it would be .
18 Helped by some of the Diocesan Youth Service volunteers , Father Wright showed delegates that many young people had an ambivalent attitude to the Church .
19 In some places the young people had the boundaries impressed upon their person as well as their memories , by being physically bumped against the ground or bent over stones and beaten .
20 Only through the sacrifice of a distant people had the Old Ones been vanquished , and order been returned to the universe .
21 All would be revealed , Mr Gorbachev said on national television , for the Soviet people had a right to know .
22 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
23 The idea that there was a golden age of family obligations in the past was born out of a desire to ensure that increasing numbers of elderly people ( and other dependent groups ) in the population did not become too heavy a burden financially upon the wealthier classes ; hence the anxieties about whether working-class people had an adequate sense of ‘ filial affection ’ , which can be documented from at least the nineteenth century .
24 They also found themselves in opposition to certain local commercial interests as a fair number of shares in the mining company had been sold to people in the area , and thus certain local people had a vested interest in mining going ahead .
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