Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Although it is clear that the House welcomes the Bill , the provisions appear to have been drafted largely with British Rail in mind .
2 I want to be clear that the House realises what we are doing .
3 Being unemployed and a house owner put even more stress on our relationship .
4 Something had gone wrong and the House wanted blood .
5 The barn was derelict and the house looked like a lump of mouldy concrete .
6 Still other rules cause the deletion of elements from the structure : [ 7 ] The house was empty and the house was neglected The house was empty and neglected .
7 I never seen a Christmas tree so big — it 's as high as a house .
8 ‘ A horse and a cart that stands as high as a house and cost the best part of thirty pounds and you lost them both ? ’
9 There was a terrible wind blowing as well , sheeting across the plateau , piling the snow into drifts as high as a house .
10 Drifts as high as a house Jamie said . ’
11 as if life itself were not as empty as the house one was coming back to .
12 It may be more hesitant than the House of Representatives about extending the death penalty , for instance for drug-dealing .
13 One rejoinder to this would be to cite cases like : ( 35 ) our new neighbours said they had had their old house painted mauve where it is perfectly possible that the house is much younger than anybody in the family .
14 In the midst of all this young life it was fortunate that the house was roomy enough for the professor still to get enough quiet and space to write .
15 I was not particularly sad that the house was to be sold .
16 Lee had inherited a little of his father 's Oriental patience — although he had never met his father , who had apparently run one of the infamous Opium Dens in Whitechapel — and was quite content to sit , absorb the heat , and listen to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled , content in his own company .
17 Much later , when the children were asleep and the house was quiet once more , Beth lay in bed beside her husband .
18 The scenery was lush and the house values just as high as London .
19 It is perfectly natural to say that the candle is alight or the house is on fire when strictly speaking only a part of it is .
20 Why it was thought appropriate to leave the important matter of imposing tax on building societies to secondary rather than primary legislation in this way remains a mystery ; but , whatever the explanation , the experiment was a total disaster and resulted in the Revenue producing some regulations in respect of a particular period of assessment which were so hopelessly flawed that the House of Lords found itself compelled to declare them void as being ultra vires .
21 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
22 I would say to you that the history of North Yorkshire County is that the house house builders have built , more or less the building rate of planning policy , whatever that has been , and that is a matter of fact , and if and if and if we are in a situation where the market is being fettered , as is the policy , and it 's not a policy which we are seeking to go away from specifically , and it is inevitable that the house builders will build to whatever the policy building rate is , and comparisons of one building rate with another are simply telling you what 's happened in the past , not what needs to happen in the future er in terms of meeting the housing requirement , and quite clearly in any area where you are introducing a new settlement , if indeed that 's the conclusion we come to , er late later on , erm and I hope we do , but if we are introducing a new settlement you are bound to skew the building rates , and the more and more you reduce the area in which you consider what the building rate effect is the more and more that it actually gets skewed , er and erm you know , quite frankly , when the developers built a new estate at the end of my particular street the building rate went up alarmingly in my area , er and er you know , we can go on forever like that , I just think it 's very misleading to just deal with the judgement of building rates .
23 ‘ I am also sure that the House will sympathise with the wish that they should both be afforded a degree of privacy .
24 I am sure that the House will welcome the fact that it is down to 3.7 per cent .
25 I am sure that the House would be interested to know what the Labour party 's industrial policy is for the motor industry .
26 I agree entirely that this is an outrageous invasion of private property , but I am sure that the House would not want Ministers to be able to instruct the judiciary to do anything , because we value its independence .
27 I am sure that the House very much hopes that the Government 's objectives are achieved because they will be a major step towards solving the issues of the international environment .
28 I am sure that the House needs no reminding of that .
29 I am sure that the House — at least , I hope that the House — will join in condemning international terrorism , particularly when it is state inspired .
30 I am sure that the House will have noted the hon. Gentleman 's invention of a new doctrine — cost-free pay .
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