Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] with the " in BNC.

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1 " Who 's that other old girl , the common-prim one with the cat ? "
2 The secret is to hit the edge of the top one with the steel-tipped back edge of your heels and travel all the way down just skimming each stair the same way .
3 Benjamin Titford — the name had always been a popular one with the Carpenter family — was born on 15 December 1786 , and was baptised along with his ill-fated sister Lydia and brother Charles Thynne at St John 's on 27 May 1792 , Whit Sunday .
4 For years the Government I served was a popular one with the people — but not with the British Government .
5 His design for these chairs was a favourite one with the architect and was inspired by a well-known seated portrait of the Emperor .
6 The spot was clearly a favourite one with the crew and there had been several men dozing there when Owen and Mahmoud had appeared .
7 Purists still demand the long trudge with the Atco cylinder-mower , the old one with the heavy roller and the polished-brass gas tank .
8 She added , as both gentleman turned to look , ‘ The old one with the fan and the eyeglass . ’
9 no the grotty old one with the
10 The Mail began bingo as an answer to the bingo weapons of the Daily Star and the Sun in their circulation war and they dignified it with the name ‘ Casino ’ , but a heap of dung by any other name still smells the same .
11 ‘ Er — Jim 's just got to OK it with the boss , ’ he said uncertainly .
12 The second song was rather a sad one with the refrain of a forsaken lover or a widower :
13 That 's the white one with the , with the green L E D display it 's got the calculator on it
14 As they walked away Scarlet observed another woman bearing down on the many-coated one with the air of a person about to commit good works .
15 you know the little one with the glasses she 's about fortyish
16 The man , it was the bald one with the glasses , knelt down on both knees and grabbed the bottom and began to kiss it ardently .
17 This task was identical to the previous one with the exception that Korean letters ( not phonologically codeable ) were used .
18 When overtures were received from the Czech resistance movement Vlasov was persuaded to allow his men to aid the anti-communist uprising in Prague on 7 May 1945 , in the vain hope of ingratiating themselves with the allies , and of winning sanctuary from an independent Czech government .
19 ‘ I did n't rate the weedy one with the glasses , ’ said Cawthorne , ‘ but the one with the beard looked a hard case . ’
20 Despite the notable successes during Mr Dunn 's years in charge , the period has also been a turbulent one with the recession and defence cuts forcing the company to announce hundreds of redundancies .
21 Though obviously one of the things that you worry about with fire extinguishers are you using the right one with the correct
22 That tall one with the short black hair .
23 The tall one with the stubble nods at me .
24 But we had a job to get the tall one with the glass doors cos we had to turn it on its side cos it would n't go through the door , it stuck , what a performance doing that
25 And it 's ever so cheap there cos she bought me a , I can remember erm I wanted a curtain thing you know , big long one with the hooks and that .
26 In Elders IXL/Allied Lyons ( 1986 ) the MMC concerned itself with the method by which Elders ' bid was to be financed , but came to the view that the issue of leveraged bids was not one on which it should pronounce .
27 The orchestral one with the Israel Philharmonic and Zubin Mehta features what might be loosely called ‘ display ’ pieces .
28 No , there 's grey one with the leather bits under the front .
29 I think that might be slightly different in terms of the environment , but nonetheless I think there is a way of encouraging children to think about and to be thoughtful about the sorts of choices that we make in life and the effects of our behaviour , without overwhelming them with the sense that it in fact is their responsibility .
30 That is reference in the procedure and everything else is referenced on either using the ad-hoc one or the ad-hoc one with the exceptions in the master job files , and it may be as simple as that .
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