Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] of the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid nothing of the sort is hidden from him .
2 It is not clear which of the pair put these points to Attlee .
3 If two or more higher-level indexes exist , each of them may be handled using a different one of the techniques described below aimed at reducing index search time , depending on their size .
4 Such questions go well beyond the scope of this book , but they point us away from the epistemological frame of reference of this chapter towards the socio-cultural one of the next .
5 The process is thus not the long-known one of the production of harmonics by non-linearity .
6 Okay so it 's F , it 's the top one of the four .
7 They sat in thick wickerwork chairs on an open balcony a top one of the older hotels , close to the floodlit shaft of the Washington Monument .
8 That stone was the capital one of the circle which surrounded what now remains . ’
10 As usual none of the customs officers was armed .
11 To his left one of the massive bronze lions that guarded the square had become a meeting place for some teenagers grouped around a ghetto blaster .
12 Humber offered the Corporal one of the armchairs .
13 In a house facing there and her son was one of then Caernarfon er what do you call them er militia like and they had to go talking with me and a little One of the first little motor cars like this .
14 For despite having an open mind in many ways , his attitude to women and their problems had always been the conventional one of the young aristocrat he had once been .
15 The treaty Lomé IV lays down that the two groups of countries should co-operate also in cultural matters , both in the wide , anthropological , sense of the term and the narrow one of the arts .
16 ‘ Gran , I 'm not the normal one of the family after all ; I 'm a witch 's daughter , I can travel to other worlds and make magic . ’
17 Turner has demonstrated that so far as cotton weavers were concerned , associational persistence can be reconciled with only sporadic incidence , since the true foundation was the durable one of the habit of association within a " community " of workers , or indeed , in the case of the manufacturing village , within an occupational community .
18 The classic one of the unmarried daughter who stays at home to look after parents for instance .
19 It was not naturally as smart a match as the failed one of the summer , but the reactions were all the same gratifying .
20 Even then it was difficult to be sure which of the shadowy tumbled shapes was the one in which Marian had dropped the sack .
21 On the other side of the rim I can see way over the savannah in the direction of the Mountain of God , which is reduced in size so that I ca n't be sure which of the outcrops on the horizon it is .
22 I bang my head , I cut my scalp , yeah , everybody , I bang my head , I cut my scalp , not massive bleeding none of the bandages we 're doing this morning are to do with massive bleeding , they 're all to do with what we call minor wounds , right so small cut , but it needs attention , okay , so I cut my scalp
23 It was a tremendous morale-booster for Michael to do something of the sort again , but I am sure none of the delegates at the conference knew of the pain he was in , nor how much discomfort he concealed behind his ready laugh .
24 Make sure none of the window area is included within the shot otherwise you could be giving yourself a problem with backlighting .
25 ‘ I 'm a Time Lord , remember ? ’ he whispered back , keen to make sure none of the others overheard him .
26 Er to make sure none of the empty flats was broke into , and items removed such as copper tanks , electrical fittings .
27 Although Carlson felt there was some connection with the chaos and anarchy erupting over the Althosian system he was sure none of the Freedom Party supporters would have devised such a ruthless method for annihilating the elite .
28 Now I could not countenance , and I 'm sure none of the authorities around us could countenance a new settlement that scale in Greater York .
29 Going back to my family now , I 've always been the black one of the family .
30 For many years the response of the Central Authority remained the traditional one of the physical planner : new investment , irrespective of any rate of return required , was determined by predictions of demand made in physical terms with no allowance for the effect of price increases .
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