Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] this [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the marchers were apprehensive about this very hi-tech physiotherapy department .
2 We have engaged a top barrister to mount the best defence possible for this nationally important site ( 3 ) .
3 Kids get used for this quite a lot , because it is n't as frightening for the lifers to be fetched by a kid .
4 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
5 And that was the only part I did n't care for , because if I 'd been arriving at a lot of conclusions that were wrong , then I could be wrong about this too .
6 Australian Aborigines are very direct about this so they , so they do expect something back for the initiation an and it 's a kind of reciprocal thing where okay , you initiate me and I 'll put up with all this crap from you , but you know , you give me a wife , you 've got daughters I want a wife and er if I do n't get it , there 's gon na be real trouble and this is how the system works .
7 At 36 he says he 's getting old for this very energetic sport .
8 Be sensible about this so that everything will be organised and ready on time .
9 We raffled a car at Christmas in the John Radcliffe and collected everybody 's money , and we did n't have too many qualms of conscience about that , but one 's got to be very careful not to beg from patients , but I think er fun for all , a lottery is fun and we feel perfectly er acceptable towards this very worthwhile project when we 're given the cheque on Monday .
10 The situation would be different from this only if the internal discriminations carried with them some experiential ‘ feel ’ that was not to be identified with some physical process of which BS could know .
11 Two things are clear from this very brief summary of the content of the Convention .
12 ‘ Must be the only hill between here and Russia , ’ he observed to Catherine who pointed out it was n't much of a hill , more a fifty-foot ridge , it just looked high in this dead flat plain .
13 Seton Healthcare are offering Tennis World readers 50 Pro Sport arm supports absolutely free in this once only offer .
14 I 'm sorry if you 're interested in this then go for it .
15 OK I 've got mail addresses etc of all who are interested in this so far .
16 Once again the LCCI Top Secretary 's Award was recorded in the national press and we are confident that the planned changes in the Group Awards will prove popular in this very important business area during 1992/93 .
17 There is , however , only a fugitive , implicit ( and comic ) reference to the tale being an exemplum within the text , and no reference to it as it is presented in the manuscript ; the tale is identified in the manuscript by the name of the character peculiar to this basically East Midland version , Dame Sirith .
18 They were not , however , his last word ; and in The Christian Faith he builds broad and high on this apparently unpromising foundation .
19 London er er in fact the insurance companies are fairly erm rigid on this now .
20 Nato strategists may join with Kremlin regional specialists in feeling rather nervous about this excessively open-ended prospect .
21 Symptomatic of this closely focused study is the absence of any comparative photographic material , which requires potential readers to be blessed with good visual memories or access to a well stocked library .
22 How typical of this unbelievably arrogant man , she thought angrily — anyone else would surely have felt compelled to defend themselves , or at least to explain , but not him .
23 Ms Callil is apparent delighted with this rather alarmingly styled position , which she will take upon her 55th birthday on 15th July .
24 The postscript to this chapter comes from Leonard Ravenhill and you can hear the passion coming through as he waxes lyrical in this highly quotable ( or unquotable , depending on your tastes ) purple passage :
25 It all seems most democratic in this most democratic of countries .
26 Social factors are then suggested as somehow additional to this essentially technical breakthrough : ‘ The extensive diffusion of the alphabet in Greece was also materially assisted by various social , economic and technological factors ’ ( ibid. p. 41 ) ( my emphasis ) .
27 I ca n't recall any major upset like this before . ’
28 ‘ I ca n't recall any major upset like this before . ’
29 Perhaps what 's even more remarkable about this supposedly ‘ new ’ market is that it is n't new at all !
30 Otherwise , everything 's been fine for this most casual and flexible of groups .
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