Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Thus rt-PA used as a second dose thrombolytic agent , allows coronary artery reperfusion with preservation of left ventricular function and without serious side-effects .
2 This is quite normal for a first treatment , Eileen reassured me , as toxins such as caffeine and E-numbers are eliminated .
3 We are grateful for a flysheet-pitch-first tent in the Tromsdalen campsite and as we work speedily on its erection , the man in the camp reception hut watches us through the windows .
4 After all , some areas include children with special needs and some do not ; in some areas children have English as a second language and in others they do not ; and , as he admits , teachers have had problems with the tests themselves .
5 As there may be in excess of 1000 mouth to feed , then it can prove difficult to keep up a constant supply of live foods and the authors have found that dried food is adequate as a first food .
6 In this context the Liberal reforms were acceptable as a first step towards greater , Labour-controlled , changes in the future .
7 the means , which the defendant uses to inflict loss on the plaintiff , may be unlawful because it involves conduct wrongful towards a third party .
8 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
9 I have a filter unit which is gravity-fed from a second tank .
10 If the costs at the home you prefer are greater than the fees payable by the Social Work Department , your placement will be dependent on a third party being willing to make up the difference , ie a relative , a charity or a trust .
11 The reception of Leapor 's work was sufficiently warm for a second volume to be considered .
12 His advice to companies would be to try to make the costs of all types of accidents visible as a first step to targeting prevention , and the obvious way would be to put down the costs on to the already established cost centres within a company .
13 Never mind paying twenty pounds extra for a second television set , and another twenty pounds if you have a third set in your house .
14 The Kenyan picture , with 51% of the population under the age of 15 , is typical of a Third World country ; the fact that the Mauritius pyramid of 25 years ago was very similar to that of Kenya today demonstrates the rapidity with which a population structure can change .
15 Although the client 's permission will always be sought before a trainee sits in , many clients may feel unable to refuse , even though they are certain that they will be uncomfortable with a third party present .
16 The impact may be favourable to a third party , again ranging from the bestowal of a right through to some beneficial side effects .
17 I write to confirm that the Economic Development Committee at their meeting on 5 November approved your application for a loan of £300,000 under the above scheme , on condition that the existing loan is repaid in full , and subject to a first charge in favour of the Council over the whole of your existing and proposed premises at Penicuik .
18 If the property is subject to a first mortgage and is , for instance , to be conveyed from the husband to the wife , subject to a charge being given in favour of the husband to secure a fixed sum , the husband will have to be satisfied with the security of a second charge , notice of which should be served on the first mortgagee .
19 If the transferor 's rights were subject to a third party claim , or if the transferor was not the true owner of the goods shipped , his assignee-endorsee had no better rights than the transferor .
20 Steven Redgrave , so dead set on a third consecutive rowing gold that he 's trained through four months of a stomach illness that would put many of us in hospital .
21 Remember , if you are sick for a second week , we shall require a medical certificate .
22 There seems to be nowhere where we could start , no sentence whose meaning is , as it were , self-contained enough to be learnable as a first step towards learning the rest .
23 Some forms of mobile invertebrates like , for example , Cleaner Shrimps , also regularly spawn in the home aquarium and could be ideal for a first attempt at home breeding .
24 She was wearing high-heeled shoes — which is very unusual for a First Spiritualist — and she was smirking at people as if she was at a cocktail party rather than morning service .
25 He succeeded in doing so , but confided afterwards that no single examiner thought me worthy of a first , but when the marks were added up , mine were within a few marks of those who were obviously in the first class , and so my name was added to the list of three others .
26 Rachel was taken to her home in Mossley Hill by friends after saying she felt ill at a 21st birthday party in Wavertree .
27 That 's very good for a first — you have a great feel for it ! ’
28 He has grown-up children from that , and is now happily married for a second time with a young son , Jamie .
29 The motorcyclist beat this time by five minutes , but conditions were unusual ; many institutions such as the University and the Art College remained closed for a second day of holiday , which meant traffic was unusually light .
30 This one is a bit tricky for a second question , I think I might revise this actually .
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