Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the government " in BNC.

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1 Although the increase was understandable given the Government 's vacillation , it made ministers even less willing to intervene .
2 If the Government decide to run down the nuclear industry , apart from the loss of 120,000 jobs in the north-west , in the area that I represent , would it be possible to meet the Government 's target for reduced carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2005 , let alone by the year 2000 , under the Labour party 's policy ?
3 I asked him if he would be prepared to support the Government 's privatisation proposals , and he said : ’ I should be happy to do so , provided that the general public can apply for shares . ’
4 Mr Heseltine has been careful to support the government , while proclaiming a distinctive brand of Conservatism .
5 It would be wrong to accuse the Government and its agencies of doing nothing .
6 They have the worst of both worlds a government who wants to attack their pension rights and an employer willing to do the government 's bidding .
7 Electors are always prepared to criticise the Government in answer to pollsters ' questions , but when the same individuals arrive at the polling booth they simply can not bring themselves to vote Labour into power .
8 But to me it just seems wrong to have the government involved in any kind of censorship or questions of taste .
9 In addition , Chamberlain was not willing to join the Government without Birkenhead , and Birkenhead was strongly disapproved of by the Conservative rank and file , both in the House and in the country , and particularly by those somewhat prim and self-righteous parts of it in which lay Baldwin 's greatest strength .
10 Second , the services that GPs must provide under the contract have been made more specific to reflect the government 's view of " good general practice " .
11 The parliamentary session closed on 29th July , without any further progress being made , but on 4th August , Hall and Hunt met Cornewall Lewis and Trevelyan to obtain the Government 's approval for a competition , and to seek the first steps towards acquiring the land .
12 This procedure made it impossible to discuss the government 's income and expenditure in relation to one another , as any firm or household would do .
13 It is easy to criticise the government 's decisions : after a century of inertia , making changes in London was always going to be difficult , and Mrs Bottomley deserves credit for getting the process started .
14 It is impossible to regard the Government 's actions as effective negotiation when they have simply opted out of the two basic economic and social issues and have left an empty chair in the European Community .
15 He was also quick to claim the government 's dependents ' allowance for his wife and the child endowment for their boy .
16 The PA report was supposed to justify the Government 's programme and ensure that they could press ahead with what they wanted to do .
17 They were also the most likely to say the Government does not care about education ( 92 pc compared with 66pc ) .
18 Critics were quick to blame the government for the new levels of strife and violence in labour relations .
19 The appointment of General Seri was supposed to show the government 's resolve to fight the criminals .
20 I most grateful to the minister for giving way and it 's good to see the government er at last acknowledging the justice of the amendments to do exactly what we 're proposing now that we put in to most of the committees like the building societies c c c b b bill a and like the banking bill when they were discussing the nineteen eighties but Lord Justice Bingham also recommended er and I quote , the determination of the correct relationship between client , auditor and supervisor raises an issue of policy more appropriate for decision making by parliament than by the bank and the accounting profession .
21 Either way , inflation ( excluding mortgage interest payments ) looks sure to breach the government 's target of 1-4% by the end of 1993 .
22 In January 1989 the human rights organization Amnesty International urged the government to investigate numerous killings of trade union leaders and called for it to take immediate action over the suspected participation of police and members of the judiciary in harassment of and death threats against peasant leaders .
23 Amnesty International urged the government to put into practice the provisions of the 1984 UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel , Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [ see pp. 33618-19 ] , which Austria had ratified in 1987 .
24 It is extraordinary to describe the Government or Welsh Office as philistine when the Government are currently spending £21 million on the extension and development of the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff .
25 A week before the coup , Amnesty International accused the government of ignoring serious abuses by the army , including death threats against peasant leaders and unexplained disappearances .
26 Earlier in the month the human rights organization Amnesty International accused the government of human rights abuses .
27 I am happy to confirm the Government 's commitment to Trident , as so frequently set out in this House .
28 I was then Labour 's Shadow Secretary of State for Education and I was busy opposing the Government 's 1980 Education Act .
29 I therefore give due notice to the Government Whips who are on duty that when we examine the bill in Committee and consider some of the things that are set out in this illustrious treaty , I may not be able to support the Government .
30 He was also able to reach a settlement with France and by visiting Ireland , he was able to rationalize the government there .
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