Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The analysis for parameter values near point X is much harder , involving elements of all the other analyses mentioned so far , but it is at least possible to confirm that Fig. 6.2 is qualitatively correct { 11 } .
2 Henry did not have to see his thin anxious face , his nervous nibble at his lower lip or the furtive glance to left and right to know that number 47 was performing the ritual known as Is the Mitsubishi Scratched Yet ?
3 It would be wrong to claim that Darwinism had no impact on the study of what would now be called ecological relationships , but the impact was indirect .
4 It is wrong to contend that divorce legislation ‘ defines ’ all marriages as being dissoluble .
5 It is heartening to know that road casualties present no substantial threat to the toads at this particular lake .
6 The Tomato Marketers might be interested to know that back in the twenties , when grapefruit was making its way in France , so highly reputed an establishment as the old Café de Paris listed that novelty in the special corner of the menu normally reserved for caviare alone .
7 Since it was to act against hope , it was wrong to assume that defeat was an explicit sign of divine condemnation of a cause from which there could be no recovery .
8 Self also believes it is wrong to assume that bureau chiefs generally control a monopoly .
9 It would be wrong to assume that trade unions have had no effect on these matters .
10 While it would be wrong to deny that Goldsmith is nostalgic , Sambrook 's argument certainly points toward a more generous assessment of his work .
11 Editor , — John R Hampton may be right to lament the decline in doctors ' abilities to elicit and interpret physical signs , but I believe that he is wrong to conclude that training in the setting of general practice will sound the deathknell of these skills .
12 But clearly we have to be careful to ensure that evidence for one phenomenon is not , either by accident or design , adduced in respect of another .
13 A Friday afternoon class not too prepared to believe that art was the most important thing that they could be doing at that time soon discovered they were wrong .
14 Like the old saying that success has many fathers , but failure has none , nobody is prepared to claim parenthood of the old rating system .
15 It is unrealistic to believe that warning labels will do anything to reduce alcohol abuse .
16 I am prepared to argue that doing business involves , even at the lower levels in an organization but especially at the higher levels of management , semantic problem-solving ; for example , agreeing on boundaries , identifying individuals , establishing and maintaining classifications , conjecturing ways of doing things that belong in no existing formal schema .
17 Some were even prepared to argue that socialism was not necessarily incompatible with ‘ capitalist private property ’ .
18 As I emphasized at the beginning , the issue is not just one of zoological taxonomy , it is a problem of ethics , and unless you are prepared to argue that Koko the gorilla might become a Christian , ethics concern rules which apply to human beings but not to non-human beings .
19 In spite of the proliferation of stylometric authorship studies , it would be wrong to think that attribution is the only goal for statistical studies of style .
20 In his view , it is fallacious to say that Unix costs less per number of users than mainframes because no-one has ever put a large number of users on Unix boxes .
21 It is particularly heartening to note that telephone ownership amongst pensioners has climbed from 49.8 per cent of households in 1979 to nearly 86 per cent ten years later .
22 It is interesting to note that management and professional staff are the least certain as to whether they will move with their jobs .
23 It is interesting to note that Parliament struck these words out of s.62 because they took away from the purity of the section .
24 Increased cellular proliferation has previously been reported in Barrett 's mucosa , and it is interesting to note that EGF is found in many of the epithelial cells of Barrett 's epithelium .
25 It is interesting to note that bullhead rail is still in evidence some forty years after the infant British Railways adopted flat-bottom rail as standard .
26 It is interesting to note that legislation was required , because , as said above , mid-nineteenth-century reformers thought that most of what was needed could be achieved by formalising the relationship by means of a lease .
27 It is interesting to note that stereo sound is already featured on some video recorders and camcorders , and it seems that it is only a matter of time before it becomes standard as for sound recorders .
28 By now they had walked some distance along the Haymarket , and were on the edge of Piccadilly Circus where Dr Neil was relieved to see that Stair 's party had disappeared and the crowds there had grown less .
29 expand this to a neighbourhood and it is easy to see that collection and transportation costs would turn this into an uneconomical exercise .
30 At the same time it is easy to see that group solidarity overrides all other loyalties and motives .
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