Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Of these 123 , a full interview was obtained with l04 principal carers at the time of the patient 's referral to the project ( six carers refused to be interviewed , and it was not possible to interview a further nine for reasons such as the carer 's ill health or death or because the patient and carer soon moved out of the area ; for the remaining four some information was obtained by telephone ) .
2 In addition to the $400 million which he had already paid into an SEC disgorgement fund , he was due to provide a further $500 million to be contributed in tranches over five years .
3 Its San Jose , California-based developer , Software Systems Inc , has now decided that the time is right to provide a lower cost version , which runs on Silicon Graphics Inc workstations .
4 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
5 Where liability is admitted , or it is acknowledged that liability is likely to be established , then it may be sensible to try and agree an interim payment because it will probably be possible to secure a lower sum in interim damages than would be awarded by the Court if matters were so to proceed .
6 Yet Labour has a bigger vested interest in there being a European Parliament which — during the transition to a more federal union — co-legislates with the Council , rather than exists as a largely powerless consultative assembly .
7 The two noddies are fairly similar , but the lesser has a longer beak and the brown , as its name suggests , has a paler brown back .
8 The first of those points is the principle of a Greater York dimension to the structure plan , erm we 'll all probably be aware that in the original structure plan the Secretary of State was n't prepared to accept a Greater York dimension in the structure plan , but did accept with the support of the district councils on the first alteration , the inclusion of a Greater York dimension .
9 From the outset , Nigeria and Iran sought quota improvements and in the late 1980s there arose some aggrieved discussion of the UAE 's insistence on setting its own unilateral quota ( 1.5 million as against the 0.948 set by the Vienna conference in 1987 ) and vehement debate with both Iraq and Iran , neither of which was willing to accept a lower quota than the other 's .
10 McNamara told the press bluntly : ‘ It is Labour Party policy to achieve a united Ireland by consent and , therefore , it would be foolish to create a further obstacle .
11 Though I should say that what councillor said that my group were prepared to set a higher tax level if that were necessary .
12 If you want to maintain a minimum temperature above 10°C , it may be economical to use a cheaper form of fuel to provide the bulk of the heat and top up the supply with electric heaters in very cold weather .
13 A light that radiates out from its source can dissolve personal limits , blending with other such pools of light to form a greater circle .
14 Perhaps , in contrast , migrants are people who are willing to consider a wider range of course options because they are more likely to see broader gains , such as personal development , from participation .
15 Personally I choose to travel by train , and am prepared to pay a higher fare to do so , because I find it a more comfortable , and usually more enjoyable mode of travel .
16 The Japanese Foreign Minister , Michio Watanabe , told Akashi that the government was prepared to pay a higher rate for refugee resettlement and for economic reconstruction operations , both of which were separate from the UNTAC budget .
17 At the same time , if discount houses ran the risk of borrowing at a new higher MLR they would try to borrow more money at call and would be prepared to pay a higher rate of interest to do so .
18 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
19 The rhetorical theorist would not dissent from a single word , but would feel impelled to add a further remark .
20 Does my right hon. Friend agree that not only has the Conservative party demonstrated that it is willing to spend a greater proportion of gross national product , but , by continuing to expand our economy , we have surpassed the Labour party bid at the 1987 election — when it said that it would increase spending on the national health service by 3 per cent .
21 Paradoxically , the older person might be willing to take a higher risk of death during surgery than a younger person .
22 The English have a greater talent than any other people for creating an agreeable family life ; that is why it is such a threat to their artistic and intellectual life .
23 In addition it made some recommendations to BRAC , one of which was to encourage BRAC to make a greater effort to cooperate with the local village practitioners .
24 Erm we have put forward an alternative er mechanism for environmental discounts and er I can say by at this stage , by reference to the erm critique that has taken place of that of those environmental discounts in N Y eleven , that erm , while we would n't go along with making anywhere near the the additions that are suggested there , erm it may be that it would be sensible to make a further discount in respect of the heritage coast .
25 The road is totally unsuitable to serve a further housing development which would be better accessed by the originally proposed route along the existing footpath east of Bellburn Lane .
26 As technology improves , thereby making it possible to set a lower emission standard , new sources face increasingly more strict controls .
27 Mr Major replied : ‘ I would be delighted to see a stronger and more successful Merchant Navy .
28 It thus encouraged the Japanese to adopt a firmer stance in negotiations with Russia .
29 ‘ With the environment under threat , it seemed appropriate to develop a cleaner running , more economical version of our range , ’ says Smith .
30 Well , I think it is high time that we gave an award for valour in professional conduct , and I nominate as the first recipient , Keith Holdsworth of Bournemouth , Employed by the New Forest District Council , Keith Holdsworth risked his career , his livelihood and his life savings in the defence of his professional integrity , when it would have been so easy to take an easier route .
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