Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 I , I maybe fall asleep for maybe an hour or two and then I 'm woken and I 'm coughing all the time .
2 Candidates must apply to HCIMA three months before the date of the examination and must obtain , from the centre where they are enrolled , a signed letter stating that the centre is prepared to forward an examination paper to HCIMA .
3 It was the second longest period of party power , uninterrupted by either an election or a change of leadership , of this century .
4 It is typical of how an older horseman who had in his possession most of the ancient secrets , was able to deal with a situation that had baffled a younger man .
5 She submitted there was no other appropriate or fair way for the Secretary of State to deal with the case other than to allow Doherty at least an oral hearing or written representation .
6 In any case it is not easy to be sure about how an illness will progress or what the outcome of a treatment will be .
7 ‘ I 've been awake for over an hour , ’ she said , sitting on the edge of the bed , when he came back into the bedroom .
8 Epilepsy may be due to either an increase in glutamate-mediated excitation or a reduction in GABA-mediated inhibition .
9 Absent or available for over an hour , the gift of speech had been restored to Alistair — speech , that prince of all the faculties .
10 The important common denominator is whether or not changes associated with ageing are compatible with how an individual wishes to live his or her life .
11 After Downes had been driven away , Morse and Lewis walked back to their own car , where Morse gave urgent instructions to the forensic lab to sent a couple of their whizz-kids over to the railway station — immediately ! — and to Kidlington HQ to see that a breakdown van would be available in about an hour 's time to ferry away a certain Metro .
12 One February Sunday , on just about the coldest night I 've ever known , four of us queued up outside a cinema in Golders Green for over an hour to see Crocodile Dundee .
13 She 'd been sitting motionless for over an hour , conducting an inner battle over the need to alert the board of Chester 's about Guy 's perfidy , with the stubborn hope that somehow she might be wrong keeping her glued to the spot , torn with indecision …
14 Well er erm once they 're opened they 're alright for about an hour .
15 Having gone conspicuously quiet for over an hour , disappearing before we had even finished unpacking the car , there is nothing more to be deduced than the obvious .
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