Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 In the surgical specialties the problem of allocating time to research is particularly acute given the long apprenticeship necessary to learn technical skills .
2 Apart from the track itself the forest had been partially felled for about twenty feet on either side so that except where the road wound sharply it was possible to see a long way ahead .
3 He was prepared to wait a long time to gain the king 's good will , and meanwhile to support the king in his enterprises .
4 Like Lanfranc he had welcomed royal co-operation , and had been prepared to wait a long time for it .
5 The cots were disposed to form a long seat along one side of the coach , the remaining floor space being clear .
6 The reason for this seems to have been that Victorian British industrialists looked for a quick return , while the Germans were more prepared to take a long view .
7 ‘ The British have a long history of being inventive and in this current climate we are being inundated with new ideas , ’ says Richard Paine , marketing director of Inventalink , one of Britain 's biggest agencies which sells the ideas to commercial companies .
8 She has come to tell them about the opportunities which await them if they are prepared to make the long journey to Oregon .
9 In early 1978 the Firefly was prepared to make the long road journey to its new home in Cambridgeshire .
10 As long as Corinth led the Peloponnesians , Athens had the best of it , though she was sufficiently alarmed to build the Long Walls , which secured communications between Athens and her harbour city of Piraeus : in future , Spartan invasions would not cut Athens off from the sea ( Thuc. i. 107 ) .
11 This was viewed as crucial to end the long period of disruption in schools and to deal with the problems of student demotivation .
12 So for a little over £100 it is easy to spend a long weekend in Paris in the spring , summer or whenever .
13 As one would expect , incomers took a greater interest in discussing class — class is supposed to go a long way in explaining the membership of given social networks , and in the scope of such networks .
14 You were supposed to do a long build-up .
15 His win in last year 's National broke a long lean spell but he was quite casual about it all in the post race interviews .
16 Some of the goods on sale are enticing Juranc , on wines , local sausage , the ubiquitous Pyrenean fromage de brebis or ewe's-milk cheese , worth trying if only out of local piety though hardly one of France 's great cheeses — others look likely to have a long shelf-life .
17 Learning about the cultural , marketing and distribution characteristics of such a diverse market as the EC is likely to involve considerable use of the resources and effort of companies , consequently this process is likely to take a long time .
18 Looking back to this era there is no doubt that our small fleet was pitifully Inadequate to control the long stretches of coastline but we did our best within the limits imposed by man power and patrol time .
19 They were happy to wait a long time for their meals because they could look at her .
20 But when we talked about ‘ The House ’ — that was what we called it , there was never a name — we could imagine that just at the top of the stairs would be the Great Kitchen with its rows of gleaming copper pans hung up next to pheasants and hams and bunches of strange herbs — and through the kitchen window we 'd be able to see the long lawns of the garden where stone lions crouched with their heads between their paws and real peacocks screeched up at peacock shapes clipped out of hedges …
21 In most he 's wearing Reactolite glasses turned black by the sun — a Roy Orbison in shorts ; Only The Lonely meets The Long Distance Runner .
22 Oxford United begin the long climb from the bottom .
23 At our next meeting we were able to have a long chat , I found very frank and easy to talk to and felt very much that a two way supportive relationship developed quite quickly , as opposed to supporter-supportee ( does this word exist ? ) . is now 14 months old and we have contrived to get together on a regular basis .
24 Perhaps , now that Alison was at least going to become an adoptive mother she would be able to have a long heart-to-heart with her on the subject ; although Celia knew that she would be reluctant , even ashamed , to reveal her innermost feelings .
25 In both cases the men concerned had a long history of previous convictions , with the killer already in jail following the deaths of two other boys .
26 In practice , many doctors are too busy to take a long hard look at every patient .
27 For many people it is rather demoralising to finish a long way behind the leaders all the time and so pursuit racing is an attempt to provide a handicapping system .
28 The wounded took a long time to arrive .
29 When thinking about the future of the European Community , it is essential to take a long term view .
30 Even so , it is possible to get a long way with well-designed experiments .
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