Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's how it is ’ , they answered , ‘ he 's due to go on such-and-such a date ’ .
2 An earlier decision by the same judge preventing the four from organising or inciting mass pickets at the factory is due to go before three appeal judges next week .
3 An earlier decision by the same judge preventing the four from organising or inciting mass pickets at the factory is due to go before three appeal judges next week .
4 British Petroleum is to cut 9,000 jobs worldwide by 1995 , in addition to 11,500 jobs already due to go by next year .
5 It is possible to cope with one of these legs being shaky and under pressure but not two at the same time .
6 A prospective purchaser would presumably be hesitant to proceed in such circumstances without adequate insurance protection .
7 I think it unnecessary to go through those cases , or to examine the particular grounds on which each of them was decided .
8 The new hearing will be at Manchester Crown Court , where the judge was already due to sit on other cases .
9 The Elgin area trials are due to continue until 31 March .
10 Her children had families of their own and her husband was n't due to retire for several years .
11 Peter Wood relinquished the Chairmanship of RBIC , and RBIS , to Chris Pearson , Director of Private and Offshore Banking and Director , South of England in October 1992 when the rapid growth of Direct Line made greater demands on Peter 's time ; Norman , who had been due to retire at that time , was asked to stay on for two years to see the restructuring process completed .
12 John Shalikashvili was appointed NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe in succession to Gen. John Galvin , who had been in post since 1987 and was due to retire in mid-1992 .
13 He will replace existing director Donald Main , who is due to retire in 1995 .
14 He had been Head of Modern Languages since 1920 , and was due to retire in five months ' time .
15 Aylwin stated that this did not apply to the present Chief of the Armed Forces , Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the former dictator , who was not due to retire until 1998 , but that it would " re-establish to future presidents of Chile a power which they would not wish to be denied " .
16 Crime does not stop at county borders when it is possible to drive through three counties in an hour .
17 For various reasons , it has not been possible to arrange for this sub-committee to meet .
18 It is sometimes possible to arrange for both ministers to be at the ceremony , sharing the responsibility between them .
19 Hence it is vain to go to historical consciousness for the truest meaning .
20 For reasons of compliance it was not possible to plan for longer experiments ( our experiments lasted approximately eight hours from start to end ) .
21 In Fig. 14.1 , with interest rate r 1 , it will be profitable to invest in all projects up to I 1 , with I 1 itself breaking even .
22 The draft budget for 1993 , presented to the Cortes on Sept. 29 and described by Economy and Finance Minister Carlos Solchaga Catalán as the most restrictive budget in 20 years , allowed for a central government spending increase of only 3.7 per cent in real terms ( 2.1 per cent of this allocated to debt servicing ) , with the budget deficit due to fall from 2.6 to 2.3 per cent of GDP ( Pta1,421,100 million — approximately US$13,930 million ) .
23 II adjusted its unproductive consumption and accumulation of surplus-value to accommodate to this pattern .
24 His eyes scanned the wounded propped against half-demolished walls , lying amidst smashed furniture , or sprawling on the floor , and those who lay with faces covered .
25 We were aware that , because of the Woolf inquiry , it was not possible to go into great detail into what happpened at Strangeways .
26 In this short space it is not possible to go into any depth on the nature of particular natural hazards but only to highlight those aspects relevant to GIS .
27 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
28 It is not possible to go in two different directions at the same time .
29 It may be possible to claim on medical insurance if prescribed by a doctor/specialist .
30 To return to our earlier example , a consequence of this is that it will not be possible to claim on valid grounds that " Men exist " or rather " actually exist " , reduces to , and can be replaced tout court by " ( Ex ) x is a man .
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