Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Sorry to burden you with another Europroblem , but with the growth in cross-border activity , we are getting more and more bright-eyed young journalists that know a foreign language and report back from continental press conferences the English equivalent of exactly what was said in the local language — except that it does n't actually mean anything in English : an august journal — no names to spare any blushes — reports that the boss of IBM Deutschland GmbH said with regard to the company 's figures ‘ we made a decision to place a burden on our financial balance in order to ensure a healthier future ’ …
2 ‘ Well I 'm sorry to burden you with it , I thought you might know more than …
3 They were so far away from me , and there was nothing that they could do to alleviate the hardship of Legion life , so it appeared unnecessary to burden them with minor worries about bullying and violence .
4 Is it possible to wear it with a belt ?
5 ‘ This is all I shall have to remember him by — you are cruel to treat it with such levity . ’
6 He questioned whether it would be possible to prosecute them with any chance of success with the present rules of evidence and he would be against proceeding if it meant changing the way in which the courts worked .
7 But no matter what path an observer followed , it would not be possible to provide him with stained-glass cinema .
8 As I cleaned the little beauty and mounted it in my new display case , I promised myself that I would do everything possible to provide it with a few companions in the months that followed .
9 ‘ If he shares his uncle 's hostility towards the female sex he might very well be prepared to treat them with similar contempt ! ’
10 ‘ Nurses everywhere are working under intense and growing pressure and today 's announcement will be a heavy blow since it says clearly that the Government does not value their efforts and is not prepared to treat them with fairness or justice . ’
11 Whereas a strategy of incorporation can be relatively successful when applied by a regime of right-wing orientation which is prepared to support it with repression , it has proved to be ineffective for leftist groups which claim to be advancing the interests of the working class .
12 And anyway , if somebody is too forthright and says what he really thinks you might feel impelled to hit him with a brick .
13 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
14 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
15 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
16 According to John Graham , who knew Glasgow well , Sim was ‘ the only man of our town 's set of lawyers that he can think proper to trust it with , ye know the naturall temper of those lawyers of a low class is to be sharpers , and that s what ye would avoid … ’
17 The story of Gilly Hopkins is very sad : Gilly has the opportunity to gain everything she 's always wanted — someone who cares about her and forgives her and is willing to provide her with a loving home , but Gilly throws all this away simply by writing a letter when she 's feeling very upset .
18 Apparently the retired sea captain , in whose house we were billeted , was willing to provide us with beds ashore , but nothing else .
19 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
20 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
21 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
22 It has only been met twice this year , the budget is quite small for the amount of work we can continue to do is quite small er it 's quite possible that it would only need to meet once a year in future so it would be sensible to combine it with other non-policy and traffic matters as a working party .
23 I plan to donate approximately 30 items myself and a friend if willing to help me with the selling .
24 ‘ Who should be free to help me with the food .
25 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
26 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
27 Finally , of the other 20 , there is a whole miscellany , of which the most interesting concerns itself with monastic products ; however , as these are Trappist , presumably the less said , the better !
28 Though most women experience the feelings I did , they are only willing to discuss them with other mothers .
29 IMRO has been alerted to this problem and is willing to discuss it with IMRO members .
30 It is important to remember that the linguistic utterances of others are just as much externally observed behaviour as walking down stairs or pressing a button in a psychophysics laboratory although , because of the high information content of linguistic behaviour , we are prone to endow it with some mystical quality which opens a special window on to the mind of the person generating it .
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