Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In due course the black goat was sacrificed with the appropriate ceremonies to appease the river and nobody was in the least surprised when , little by little , the river began to fall .
2 In due course the International Committee completed its arrangements , and the Congress of Europe was held in The Hague in May 1948 .
3 In due course the two types were combined , the show stock contributing its ‘ perfect ’ udder and well-placed teats ( ideally suited to machine milking ) to the efficient productivity of the commercial animal , and the breed was further developed for increased yields without loss of butterfat .
4 In due course the whole idea was rejected .
5 In due course the Independent Television Commission will replace the Independent Broadcasting Authority .
6 In due course the main gallery will be refurbished and modernised to provide an important contribution to the cultural amenities of Bristol .
7 It accepted that in due course the British would probably try to use the United States as a counterweight to the USSR .
8 In the same way , Fanon suggests that at the political level the so-called ‘ Third World ’ constitutes the disruptive term for the European political dialectic of capitalism and socialism .
9 It has so far overcome at the political level the doctrinal and organizational divisions between protestants .
10 By a strange coincidence the first ditching I heard about was in No 77 Squadron in the early months of the war .
11 CITY share strategists believe that if Labour forms the next government , or leads a coalition government in a hung Parliament , investment sentiment will swing away from companies linked to the British economy in favour of those making the bulk of their profits overseas .
12 It seems likely that in very primitive multicellular forms the main mode of communication was chemical — a substance released by one cell , say signalling for the cell to contract , could fairly quickly diffuse to other cells , ensuring that they too contracted .
13 They 've been revolting for years under the surface and then some thing happens that make it possible course the continued revolutions have gone on through the world and because they 've seen the success of a revolution in Russia although we did n't know the full facts of it in the West , it was , it did establish a huge area in the wake of a revolution .
14 At regional level the western states have for months managed to wriggle out of paying more than a fraction of the growing unity bill .
15 As an inhouse technique the best practice reviews are low cost , and the findings are readily acceptable since they derive from the way familiar colleagues in the same overall business carry out their tasks .
16 He knocked boldly on the door of this house , and there was a rustling , and creaking , and the door opened a tiny crack , and there stood a little man , with a face as grey as morning ashes , and a long woolly beard the same colour .
17 From Norman times the local keeper of the peace was termed Constable , his duties consisting of ensuring the upkeep of prisons , stocks etc. , and assisting the church warden in seeing the villagers attended church regularly .
18 Balcon saw the potential for bringing into mainstream cinema the observational powers of the documentarists , and their capacity for evoking a quieter form of heroism than that displayed in Ships with Wings .
19 The current popular level of application of smoke vents to some 3–5% of the floor area does seem low for the fire loads and rate of growth of fire , likely to be experienced in high-bay warehouses particularly when it is borne in mind that unless similar automatic ingress vent areas are provided at low level the effective ceiling vent areas might well be halved !
20 But one thing has n't changed since the early days — at low level the huge formation will navigate by map , despite the sophistication of their aircraft .
21 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
22 17 SUPER Mario 's left hand is known as his Block Bopper to punch his way through walls , and his right foot the Steel-toed Turtle Tromper , for stamping out deadly Koopa Turtles .
23 After the 1992 election , this process continued with Labour overtaking the Liberal Democrats in a rush to the right .
24 When Jazz was in bed , lying staring at the strange patterns the lime-tree leaves , illuminated by the lamp-post , made on his bedroom ceiling , his father came up to him , moving softly round the door .
25 In the north , the courts of barons and kings were ousting them , though even in feudal courts the ultimate authority of the body of ‘ suitors ’ continued to be widely recognized .
26 Moreover , for geographic reasons the strategic benefits of Cam Ranh Bay in peacetime are likely to turn into a liability during war .
27 Studies to determine the effects of increased cardiac output on uterine bloodflow are ethically difficult and not performed , but ( Barton et al , 1974 ) showed that in pregnant sheep the uterine vessels constrict in response to circulating norepinephrine and epinephrine , while animal studies have shown that plasma catecholamines increase during exercise in response to the intensity and duration of the exercise .
28 Rejected moves to make the European Parliament the principal legislative body of the EC , and transform the Council of Ministers into a consultative body with no powers of veto over the parliament .
29 By striking contrast the non-adherent subpopulation was heterogeneous , with many small , darkly-stained cells having the appearance of lymphocytes .
30 At the technical level the Chinese continued to rely on quartz sand , the abrasive used in each of the other centres of jade-working , up to the Tang dynasty , when it was reinforced by crushed garnet ( Mohs 7.5 ) .
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