Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] so " in BNC.

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1 All these four reasons are subject to varying degrees of criticism : Unskilled manual jobs may well be done just as well , if not better , by the less educated ; resistance to change in employment can be affected more by the alternative job opportunities that are available than by levels of education ; advanced industrialisation has so atomised and de-skilled the production process that for many workers further or higher education is not necessary in their jobs , etc. , etc .
2 Where lava erupts from a single vent a low exogenous dome may be formed from a succession of flows , but basaltic lava flows so readily that such features will only develop on nearly level surfaces .
3 It 's really the superseded Mitsubishi Galant — built in a new factory on the old machinery with low labour costs so prices are attractive , even if the finish is a little rough .
4 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
5 At that time local authorities could be seen as acting in the interests of the majority — the phrase from the last paragraph of the 1978 extract from the Library Association record above ( omitted from the 1989 policy statement ) ‘ either on grounds of … a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality' suggests so .
6 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
7 In conscious rats restitution of non-haemorrhagical lesions proceeds so quickly that re-epithelialisation of the denuded surface is nearly complete within 1 hour .
8 Clearly , no one explanation could cover why we eat cows but not cats ; why big game hunting is the traditional pursuit of the wealthy ; why furs are going out of fashion ; why sexual slang employs so many animal and eating metaphors ; why customary cannibalism is seldom if ever authenticated ; why we worry so much more about high fat meats than about eating cheese ; why so many religious sects espouse vegetarianism ; why burger bars have been redecorating with pastel colours ; why the Flintstones barbecue dinosaur steaks ; why we eat beef rather than cow ; why businessmen might eat steak tartare at a negotiating lunch ; and why meat is said to give men aggression , strength , or heterosexual virility .
9 She is launching herself into Europe with at least as much conviction as any other British businessperson has so far shown .
10 When my right hon. Friend does so , will he tell my constituents that there has been a record reduction in the number of strikes and that we now have the best figures for decades ?
11 Because my hon. Friend looks so disconsolate , I will give way to him after all .
12 When an old person becomes so demented that she or he can not be contained in an old people 's home the choice is between a private nursing home costing about £400 a week or a free bed in the NHS .
13 That 's why the negativism in British movies feels so healthy over here you 've got Mrs Thatcher . ’
14 The truth is that the East German leadership has so far shown all too few signs of wanting to change .
15 I welcome both the inquiries that the right hon. Gentleman has so speedily set up , but may I advise him that , if we do not get it right this time , we shall be at the Dispatch Box again to consider still more cases ?
16 However he did say that in the years ending June 1983 and June 1984 the total number of High Court judges so involved was 28.4 As no details were given , this figure is almost meaningless but if the categories counted were similar to those for the period of 1953–73 those two later years show almost a doubling , on average .
17 Speaking earlier at the Asian Institute of Technology , WWF President Prince Philip said : " Thailand ratified the Convention in 1963 , but I 'm sorry to have to say that no enabling legislation has so far been enacted " .
18 If an old man thinks so , what is happening to the young ?
19 On April 17 the Iraqi government asked the UN to relax the ban on Iraqi oil exports so that the country could buy food and meet " humanitarian needs " worth US$942,500,000 .
20 The difference between the two poets corresponds ( not quite exactly , because the nature and history of French verse differs so greatly from English ) to the distinction that the French make between vers libre and vers libéré ; between , we may say , free verse and freed verse .
21 The danger in exclusively privileging the socio-cultural context in the interpretation of human institutions and behaviour is that every social phenomenon becomes so context-dependent that it can not be translated across cultures .
22 This post-Freudian , materialist reinterpretation of sexual deviance diverges so considerably from the sexological/psychoanalytic tradition that perversion comes to signify quite differently .
23 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
24 Large pieces of timber take some considerable time to come to equilibrium with the surrounding humidity and , because the English weather changes so often , there was generally no time to build up dangerous differences in swelling strains so that we had comparatively little trouble from this cause , so long as the aircraft were in this country .
25 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
26 In a ductile material such as mild steel , a good deal of irreversible distortion takes place before actual fracture occurs so that broken parts do not fit even approximately .
27 They could explain to the child why he feels as though the world has turned upside down and why his remaining parent seems so upset .
28 Saying , if I get a farm with cows and sheep and a five-bar gate and chickens and a coop and a metal stream and a few trees about the place and a green field made of billiard cloth and a dog or two and a cat — never mind the cat — and perhaps a fox on a hill … if I get this , with a pair of ball-bearing roller skates so that I can gleam and flash and go backwards through the heavy Friday traffic and be as glamorous as Boy Davids from the Park …
29 The relevance of such multiple sensory realities to conventional evolutionary theory has so far remained unconsidered .
30 Such a double-fisted attack has so far posed no extraordinary problems for librarians , but a series of events over the last few years illustrates that the issue of the law and censorship could become a major problem in the management of libraries .
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