Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After hundreds of years of embattled resistance the Dwarf city of Karak Eight Peaks falls to attack by Orcs , Goblins and Skaven .
2 The reduction in the and the persistent rise the depreciation charge , which is going over the last four years as we maintain a high level of capital spending .
3 Step 5 CAPTION- Change the icon pixel by pixel by choosing colours from the Editor 's palette and using the mouse to apply them .
4 A gift of £250 from Sir Alan 's will went towards the making of tennis courts , and in due course a Trust Fund was established , of which the School has been a great beneficiary over the years .
5 In due course a hotel in Suceava had reported that two English tourists had failed to return .
6 Paris alerted Croydon , where both planes were due to land and in due course a pilot went up from Croyden to guide him down .
7 It must be likely that in due course a parent company in the UK will be legally responsible for the debts of at least its wholly owned subsidiaries unless , perhaps , it files some sort of public disclaimer .
8 The accomplice becomes an enemy , and in due course a victim , at which point he can only salute the irony of his being executed on All Souls , Day : ‘ This is the day wherein I wished to fall/By the false faith of him whom most I trusted ’ ( V.i .
9 In due course a motion " That it is satisfactorily proved to this Conference that the intermarriage of deaf and dumb is conducive to their happiness and there is no reason to fear injurious results there from " , was carried by a majority of twenty-four to two .
10 In due course an Application for Planning Permission will have to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority .
11 In due course the facility will also supply coil coatings and provide local support for yacht and aerospace customers currently serviced from Singapore .
12 The interim injunction stopped the broadcast until the matter could be tried , and in due course the court ordered the BBC to " give discovery " to the plantiff , ie to disclose the tapes of the programmes to the Attorney-General who brought the action on behalf of the Government .
13 In due course the council , Mr. Bookbinder and Mr. Oyston all brought actions for defamation in respect of those articles .
14 One possibility is that the Sun is currently going through a ‘ quiescent ’ phase : the nuclear reactions at its core are continuing just sufficiently to keep our star shining , but no more than that ; in due course the Sun will get back to ‘ business as usual ’ .
15 In due course the test was set up in England .
16 In due course the rest of the land could learn to beware the Dunelmians !
17 The blood continues to be black and carbonated … the treacly aspect of the blood in cholera is well known and in due course the heart becomes asphyxiated .
18 In due course the transfer ( or in the case of a mortgagor , the mortgage ) , and possibly other documents as well , must be signed by the seller .
19 After several years he displayed the results in London in 1804 but said himself that the calves at one month old were ‘ as fat as quails ’ , though he declared that in due course the hide , flesh , milk and tallow would be of superior quality and value .
20 In due course the original will be registered , and after that the entries on the Register will replace it .
21 In due course the principle could be extended to cover child care for older children .
22 In due course the surface temperature on Venus was higher than the boiling point of water , so that there was no longer any possibility of liquid water on the planet 's surface — in other words , there could be no rivers or seas .
23 But in due course the candle coughed , spat , and went out , and there was no sign of Louise .
24 This title was Kay 's own suggestion since in due course the Society would need to consider filling the place sadly empty since Molly 's death .
25 After that , things moved with reasonable speed — that is , as speedily as anything can move , when it involves the law , or finance , or the transfer of property — and in due course the money was paid into Ernest 's bank account , and he acquired a new lease on the Silmour Street premises .
26 In due course the information will be processed and used for all kinds of statistical information .
27 If a section 38 agreement is not available , in due course the house purchaser 's solicitors are likely to hold a retention from the sale proceeds , pending adoption of the roads by the local authority .
28 In due course the host dies and releases into the environment virus carrying fragments of its DNA ( see diagram below ) .
29 When the WICBC met to discuss the captaincy for the visit to Australia in 1960–1 , it was Alexander himself who pressed Worrell 's claims , and in due course the announcement was made that Worrell would lead the team .
30 In due course the bank sought to enforce its security .
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