Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The drawing suggests that an apparently normal decision eventually returns the decider to his starting point .
2 Its broad base also makes it useful as a sounding board for other proposals , for example those recently issued by the Cadbury Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance .
3 The main half-timbered building now forms part of a farm , and is in a poor state of repair .
4 The referential function gains its prominence only at a later stage , and the metalinguistic function also comes later ; these are the functions on which a considerable amount of attention is lavished at school .
5 The economic literature largely ignores the fact that the public sector has devised its own alternative modes of efficiency incentive .
6 The Chief Political Directorate also possesses its own military academy ( the Lenin Military-Political Academy ) and journal ( Communist of the Armed Forces ) .
7 England 's most endearing footballer badly wants to belong again , and I still believe a half-fit Gascoigne would offer Taylor more in mid-field than has been dished up lately .
8 The boundary-maintaining function just does not stand up as a function of crime or deviance .
9 A wide provision of extra-curricular activities also helps enhance the school 's reputation .
10 all the annoying Germany always pops up at the wrong , the wrong most inopportune time .
11 AS another week begins , every working mum today has an extra worry on her mind as she drops off her children at the childminder 's or leaves them with a nanny .
12 A professional photographer really gets down to it …
13 Once I heard the social worker say quite seriously ‘ Bloody Paki why does n't she go home ? ’
14 Yet as long as France and Germany remain committed to it , the programme to give the whole European market a non-inflationary money still has bite .
15 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
16 This is where the technical bit always goes wrong even when
17 The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he cries soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
18 The first acknowledgement of a possible opportunity usually applies to an area in which a company does better than budgeted .
19 A GENUINE European cinema still exists , untainted by the blandishments and violence of contemporary Hollywood : and this year 's Cannes festival has proved it .
20 This strung shotting technique often requires you to fish two or three feet overdepth .
21 This professional experience partly explains the growth of counselling services in primary care that Sibbald et al 's survey shows .
22 Mrs Thatcher 's decision to back the library despite economic setbacks surely outweighs the decision to disperse the Conservative Party 's own research library .
23 Only through such discussions can we begin to probe the ways in which a satisfying and total response gradually emerges .
24 Alongside the efforts of these ‘ across the curriculum ’ working groups there has been a commitment to review the work of courses , departments , and faculties .
25 The proposal on the European parliament sensibly recommends cons consistency of voting for the one election that we share with other members of the European community .
26 The skin on your face and body may seem the same but facial skin actually has more sebaceous glands to secrete natural oil and keep skin supple .
27 The contrastive nature of linguistic categories is clear in cases where the category label contains two words : for example a transitive verb obviously contrasts with other types of verb ( intransitive verbs , linking verbs , etc ) .
28 His conscientious and suffering figure simply stands before us , to wonder at , pity , and , for all its frailty , respect .
29 On a more positive note , the sole practitioner generally needs to care little about the financial decisions of his colleagues and how they might affect his income .
30 But this increased local differentiation cuts across party lines , and especially within the Conservative and Labour parties there has been an increasing ideological polarization , which , though denied expression in the tightly controlled atmosphere of Westminster , often surfaces at the local level .
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