Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A horrible damp stifling smell then filled his lungs .
2 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
3 Political conflicts normally took the form of struggles between parties or individuals for influence over the ruler , struggles in which the victor secured the all-important privilege of easy access to him and in which the vanquished were dismissed , disgraced or exiled .
4 In contrast to the initial confidence of the authorities as to the insignificance of changes in the financial system for the operation of monetary control , the monetary authorities progressively emphasised the importance of financial institutions during the MTFS and subsequent analyses of the MTFS .
5 All the ingenious forms of longer-term borrowing undertaken by the United States from overseas monetary authorities merely changed the form of these liabilities , and could only be a stop-gap .
6 Fearful of the growing possibilities of default , the US monetary authorities then pulled sharply on the reins by insisting on tougher capital/asset ratios .
7 It is possible Minton also knew that the house was built on the site of former warehouses where some of the first slaves brought to Britain were unloaded and where many died .
8 The monotonous litany sometimes seemed to soothe Julia , but more often made no impression at all on her obviously terrifying dreams .
9 Agricultural institutions also began to play a major role in applying biological theory to the problems of agriculture .
10 Simple cottages of compacted chalk and flint with front walls the depth of a single brick were flung up in rows of squalid terraces with neither drains nor water supplies ; what had been normal in rural Sussex soon became a trap of disease and hopelessness .
11 In areas settled by Germanic peoples and governed by their kings new forms of government and new political institutions often coexisted with older political traditions of Roman origin .
12 He said that dozy cow only decided she was going to try and fucking pull out with a great big juggernaut coming down .
13 Fatah was not particularly regretful when the Israeli authorities finally closed the NGC down in 1982 .
14 The Israeli authorities also said that following denials by the accused 's interrogator and a polygraph ( lie detector ) test on ‘ Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin 's , his allegations were ‘ found to be baseless ’ , and that he actually ‘ retracted most of his allegations ’ .
15 Hair was permed with Bain de Terre Acid Wave for Bleached Hair then left to dry naturally .
16 When the chairman of the inquiry into the King 's Cross Underground fire made his report he was strongly critical of London Underground 's management ( the two top men quit hours before the report was published ) : ‘ An inward looking approach fostered by the organisation 's narrow horizons undoubtedly led to a dangerous , blinkered self-sufficiency which included a general unwillingness to take advice or accept criticism from outside bodies . ’
17 The marital fertility of agricultural labourers actually rose during the late nineteenth century relative to other social groups , and this , together with their low levels of infant mortality , resulted in a large average family size .
18 In the corporation of London , for example , the fact that local elections were spread across the year ( with those for the sheriffs being in midsummer , for the lord mayor in September , and for the common councilmen in December ) , and were invariably fought out along party lines , meant that political passions seldom had a chance to cool down .
19 The political directorate increasingly became a tool in the hands of the economic and military elites .
20 I could n't understand why he did this because his rebellious hair always sprang up like bristles on a brush and never stayed flat like Dad 's .
21 What had previously been a safety valve for German economic change now assumed the aspect of a threat to an already shaken German identity and sense of purpose in the world .
22 He soon became a permanent fixture in our Southern and United League teams and his delicate ball-playing skills rapidly earned him the quaint nickname ‘ Lady ’ , and a special place in the affections of Palace supporters .
23 Hong Kong 's main political groups yesterday reached final agreement on the pace of future democratic reforms , raising the prospect of further acrimony between Britain and China .
24 But when it came to the first anecdote the tale of her son 's embarrassing performance in a school Nativity play the old professional skills suddenly shone through .
25 He argued , however , that their views on witchcraft were not , in fact , irrational , illogical or ‘ mystical ’ as European conceptions commonly supposed them to be .
26 The expanding European states often brought the energy of incipient nationalism to their forward march , but more or less all the states they encountered outside Europe were organized on the principle of allegiance or loyalty to the ruler .
27 Mrs Finni 's parental patience finally snapped this summer .
28 But since Russia 's agriculture is a peasant agriculture … our economic policies objectively conflicted with the development of agriculture as a whole .
29 The North Korean Premier also proposed the installation of a communications link between the two sides ' military commands , the formation of a joint military group to discuss border disputes and the provision for on-site inspections to ensure that the arms agreement was observed .
30 In both cities coalitions of the PP with right-wing regional groups now seemed a possibility .
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