Example sentences of "[art] end to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The end to expenditure was never in sight .
2 Some argued that the shock made industry return in the end to competitiveness , but other economists argued that subsequent growth owed more to spending North Sea oil profits on a consumer boom .
3 With this lot there were those who stayed at the end to tutt-tutt at some of the language and that .
4 Many companies hoped that the end to uncertainty would result in the release of orders held back because of the election .
5 I I p I 'm inclined to suggest that it 's a pity we have n't got that in , somewhere at the beginning or the end to sort of give a bit of beef to it .
6 A reference at the end to Orpheus torn apart by the Dionysian women , his head pulled off , invites us to reinterpret the action in the light of myth and allegory .
7 No , surely he would swear her to secrecy — if he really did agree in the end to Miguel 's request .
8 Paradoxically , Ugolinhas fallen in love with Manon , though his declarations of love fall on stony ground leading in the end to tragedy .
9 Anton , his rolling bobbing head , in and out : and his mouth was ghastly , streaming blood and he bit at random , where he could : a cannibal feast , and there seemed no end to Parker , elephant big , but soft and white and easy to bleed , full of smells ; he could , heightened senses , whiff the slightest reek , the ebb and flow , as might a jackal , the strength drawn out of Parker .
10 The appointment of Sir Edwin Lutyens [ q.v. ] as the city 's architect put an end to Havell 's dream .
11 Vegans demanded an end to school egg-and-spoon races .
12 Meanwhile the pretence was maintained that Oliver was eager to pick up his bag and walk out , that it was he who was putting an end to things .
13 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
14 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
15 The President of the Board of Trade , Michael Heseltine , put an end to speculation on the future of Warren Spring with an announcement in June that the government laboratory will merge with AEA Technology .
16 The vote put an end to speculation that the new administration , sworn in on June 19 [ see p. 38311 ] , might not win the approval of the majority of deputies .
17 In connection with the Carrefour du développement ( Development Crossroads ) development aid scandal which came to light in mid-1986 the Commission d'instruction of the High Court on April 4 , 1990 , brought an end to investigations into the activities of Christian Nucci , the ( Socialist ) Minister-Delegate for Co-operation and Development at the time [ see pp. 35126 ; 36706 ] .
18 Nearly 10,000 delegates voted for ( i ) the introduction of direct and secret ballots for all internal party elections except that for the national executive committee ; ( ii ) the reduction of national executive seats from 37 to nine ; ( iii ) increased consultation at grassroots level on party policy and an end to PRI headquarters interference in the party affairs of the state ; and ( iv ) the nomination of the presidential candidate by a PRI national convention of democratically elected delegates and not by the outgoing President as before .
19 A draft State Ecological Programme , published on June 28 , 1989 , called for 400,000 million roubles to be spent , for an end to discharges of effluent into lakes and rivers by 2000 and for a halving of atmospheric pollutants by 2005 .
20 Who put an end to Rimeq the Renegade ? ’
21 He called for more bobbies on the beat , an end to court delays and reform of prisons .
22 He is stable and , all being well , will remain so for some considerable period of time.5 The motive for turning off the ventilator in this situation may be evil , or it may be good , as , for example , in the case of involuntary euthanasia intended to bring about an end to misery and suffering .
23 However , whenever I become confused about what is the highest moral imperative , I am reminded of a quote by conservationist Michael Soule who said : ‘ An end to life is one thing , an end to birth is something else ! ' ’
24 They say they could be in business within 5 years , moving water from the wet north to the dry south and putting an end to drought .
25 New eye op could mean an end to glasses
26 The vision of the future country mixed the aim of liberating the new State ( and those who would direct it ) with the emancipation of the inhabitants of the country : an end to exploitation , hunger and hardship .
27 The book begins with the 1950s , when baby manuals indexed ‘ fathers ’ as ‘ for fathers see mothers ’ , and men were ‘ angry ’ , ‘ tough ’ or ‘ queer ’ ; it ends with ‘ a new agenda for the 1990s ’ , described hopefully as a time when men join women in fighting for an end to exploitation of women at work and home , and the ‘ masculinity ’ we have known will come to a timely end .
28 An end to exploitation .
29 In November Pravda still viewed the ASEAN declaration for neutralisation as denoting a ‘ far from easy task ’ since it presupposed an end to US ‘ aggression ’ in Indo-China , to China 's ‘ hegemonistic aspirations ’ and contradictions among Southeast Asian countries , and the removal of foreign military bases and foreign troops from the area .
30 These were ( i ) the release of South Korean dissidents imprisoned for making unauthorized visits to the North ; ( ii ) termination of the annual South Korean-US " Team Spirit " military exercises ; and ( iii ) an end to South Korea 's attempts to achieve unilateral entry to the United Nations .
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