Example sentences of "[art] case for a " in BNC.

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1 They would not be tied to the goods of donor countries , and all funds from national sources should be in the form of grants ( already the case for a majority of donors ) .
2 He has also taken up the case for a market-orientated reform , which has been started , but with far less vigour .
3 With Europe in recession and fears about unemployment , Britain and other countries which could previously be relied upon to put the case for a freer market ( and a bigger share for themselves of Japanese investment ) are no longer being heard .
4 If such a defence were available in murder cases — and the consequence of a successful plea would be to give the court a limited discretion as to the order to be made — the case for a separate doctrine of diminished responsibility would be weak .
5 Would this strengthen the case for a set of offences skewed towards the prosecution ?
6 This weekend , buoyed by the growing Liberal Democrat support and the trend to a hung Parliament in the most recent opinion polls , he is moving on to the next stage : cranking up the case for a coalition .
7 The case for a compulsory examination at 16+ seems increasingly weak ( and the fact that such examinations are not mentioned in the Secretary of State 's prospective for his newly invented Technology Colleges may reflect this ) .
8 The Case for a New War Department
9 That is the key paragraph in a paper which logically argued the case for a better budgeting system , and set out a number of principles on which it should be based .
10 The case for a British version of this research programme is already a powerful one on safety and traffic grounds alone .
11 They may well claim that such commitments would result in bankruptcy , but if that were the case ( and it seems unlikely ) , the case for a lesbian and gay politics that addresses problems in our social structures remains a strong one .
12 The Delta kites are selected for their consistency rather than extreme rates of turn or agility as would be the case for a sport kite flown solo .
13 Yet the case for a fundamental re-appraisal of Labour 's strategy is a simple matter of arithmetic .
14 And if Wordsworth is simply describing one thing in terms of another , then the case for a ‘ Christian ’ Tintern Abbey or 1805 Prelude breaks down .
15 1 , that the entire UDR patrol operating in the north of the city should be arrested by police officers from another locality ; 2 , that the UDR soldiers be taken to a holding centre other than Gough Barracks , namely Castlereagh ; 3 , that the interviewing officer should be of senior rank and again the majority of these officers preferably completely unknown to any of the soldiers ( see the case for a re-trial of the UDR 4 , pages 20/21 ) .
16 THE CASE for a forgery rests mainly on the claims of Palace sources who argue :
17 Macpherson has argued convincingly that it was in the context of just such a society that the case For a representative democracy was initially accepted , first as a logical requirement to protect acquisitive , self-interested and conflicting individuals ( from rapacious governments and from one another ) and second to establish and nurture a free market economy ( MacPherson , 1977 ) .
18 Throughout the post-war period the case for a high degree of centralised planning was weakening because there was no serious attempt to address the problem of an allocative mechanism which did not give free reign to market prices and collective bargaining .
19 The case for a devaluation will be stronger still if doubts continue about the Clinton administration 's ability to see the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) ratified by Congress before the end the year .
20 In practice , however , the BBC knew that as its audience share fell , the case for a compulsory fee would become weaker and that getting the fee raised at the regular three-yearly review would be trickier ( no government was going to win votes by raising the licence fee , even during the years of monopoly ) .
21 We have to grasp the opportunity , and we hope that all ASH Supporters will join us in persuading people of the case for a ban on advertising .
22 It was also the case for a small number of women with children who felt isolated because their social horizons were constrained by domestic and family expectations .
23 It would be entirely consistent with the practice described in the case for a Mareva injunction to be continued in force despite an order staying proceedings on that ground .
24 Nevertheless , the case for a review of the poor relief system was strong .
25 Hence , by 1905 the Poor Law faced criticism from all sides and the case for a review was strong .
26 The case for a separate traffic corps , strongly resisted by the police , was not worth pursuing .
27 Mary Alston , arguing the case for a pay rise , pointed out in a speech as early as 1922 that It may be that prior to 1914 , women were employed in book composing only , but we must not forget the introduction of monotypes diverted hand labour to other channels correcting , making up and so forth , and in every large office today , not to speak of the small ones , we find women compositors setting , making up , doing author 's corrections and in some offices making ready for machine .
28 Birkenhead put the case for a new party in articles in the Weekly Dispatch .
29 A further objection was to ensure that the independent members received an outside briefing , setting out the case for a substantial increase in pay for the workers covered by that particular Council .
30 ‘ On 27 June 1991 the matter came before Judge Lally in the Ontario court and he adjourned the case for a week , I believe because of shortage of time , and meanwhile ordered that the child was not to be removed from the jurisdiction of the Ontario court in the interim .
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