Example sentences of "[art] same [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 While early agreement in principle on the agency is likely , the actual launching of the agency may run into the same difficulties that have beset the European Environment Agency — this has been stalled for more than a year in an acrimonious ‘ who-gets-what ’ dispute over the sharing-out of the prestige , finance and jobs that flow from ‘ hosting ’ EC institutions .
2 If no settlement is reached the shipowners will be faced with the same difficulties that confronted them in 1911 " .
3 The main theme of the film seems to be that since Christ was meant to be truly human , it is not unreasonable to portray him as subject to the same faults that bedevil all our lives .
4 It seems strange to extend the hand of friendship and economic co-operation to the same countries that we are threatening with mass extermination .
5 The same analyses that have undermined rehabilitation have also undermined some classical deterrent assumptions : the evidence does not suggest that more punishment automatically provides more deterrence or that more serious crimes necessarily require more punishment to deter them .
6 In the 148 pages of this judgment lies quite priceless advice to the industry about how it might become more clever in the same ambitions that gave birth to this clumsily worded advertisement .
7 The rags bear smears of the same pigments that are used in the depiction of the body , which is itself rendered with heavily loaded and encrusted paint .
8 They were the same officers that had arrested me for the charge I was on .
9 He may not even have thought consciously of Palestine two thousand years ago as a very real place , precisely situated in space and time , subject to a confused welter of social , psychological , political , economic and religious factors — the same factors that operate in any ‘ real ’ locality , past or present .
10 It would be difficult indeed to argue against the T & g being allowed to merge into the G M B. This organization represents peoples who work in the same type of companies , very often within the same workplaces that we work .
11 Nonetheless , the same uncertainties that caused a slowdown in licence sales brought about a record increase in the volume of business processed at the London data centre as customers speculated on currencies in the futures and options market .
12 It conjures up the same emotions that have led to the horrors of ‘ ethnic cleansing ’ in Bosnia , with rival religious and political groups staking out new dividing lines .
13 Every item in the cabinets has been stolen , in the same burglaries that netted thousands of tools and pieces of garden equipment , and recovered by the same team of detectives .
14 Yes , aye there would be , just the same ladies that have s been in it for years .
15 In the same passages that enjoined readers to use he , grammarians called for other changes , changes which were related ideologically , but not linguistically , to the pronoun question .
16 However , Hall ( 1982a ; 1982b ) hoped that higher-skilled and better-paid jobs would eventually Appear through the same processes that had driven countries such as Hong Kong , South Korea and Singapore from low-grade , low-paid economies into higher , if not always ‘ higher-tech ’ production .
17 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
18 Hilton here formulates the same perceptions that govern Rolle 's understanding of the role of meditations on the Passion when he says : In fact Hilton gives no very precise rules about meditation itself because he is aware that it relates intimately to each individual 's unique personality and gifts .
19 The same strategies that Reuben Mattus had used in New York were adopted — high prices , exclusive distribution , good quality controls , selective PR and a distinctive image .
20 As I understand the Leeds position , they want what they call a lev a level playing field , or to be aiming at the same goalposts that they 've been aiming at for the last number of years .
21 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
22 Well no it 's , it 's the same councillors that 's come to your door that are sitting in on the meeting and saying no , it 's impossible !
23 Through learning the same rules that constitute our culture we agree about appropriate behaviour and belief ; this consensus ensures that we are able to live ordered lives together .
24 The refusal of timber-growing countries in temperate regions to be bound by the same rules that apply to tropical timber producers has led to the collapse of attempts at meetings in Geneva to renegotiate the International Tropical Timber Agreement ( ITTA ) .
25 His hero-worship results in him reiterating the same claims that the cinéaste makes for himself .
26 He recalled the incident in the boiler room when both Pearce and he had been assailed by the same noises that Beaton had heard .
27 The same circumstances that have brought more attention to the miniatures are no doubt a big factor in the development of a grouping as yet not officially recognized , but being listed and offered by more and more growers .
28 I believe these were the same greenhouses that suffered an attack later by G P Aird AFC when he ejected from Lightning XG332 on September 13 , 1963 following a double reheat fire warning .
29 Once everybody 's favourite fledgling PC maker , the firm — now fully grown with annual sales of $3.6 billion — is starting to suffer the same ills that it used to lampoon in its big bad competitors .
30 But when applied to the two-particle situation we are considering here , the de Broglie-Bohm formulation leads to a non-local action at a distance with exactly the same properties that Einstein and Schrödinger intuitively felt to be implied by quantum mechanics .
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