Example sentences of "[art] many [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Between the many breaks in the cloud the rays of a thin evening sun shafted down at an acute angle to spotlight the pastoral scene .
2 The defenders fought so hard , ignoring the many wounds upon their bodies , that by the end of the attack their white Reikland uniforms were drenched in blood .
3 Amongst the many criticisms of the UFC review , Montgomery combines the UFC rankings with employment records , and finds , somewhat surprisingly , that poor research is associated with enhanced job progress .
4 The silliest and the most sinful of the many heresies of pseudo-democracy is to pretend that all studies and all learning are ‘ created equal ’ .
5 One of the many clocks on display — and for sale — at the Dazzle exhibition
6 As ever , Omi was in , sitting patiently at the table , writing one of the many letters with which she kept the tattered network of Brombergs and Ritters precariously bound together .
7 The threat by the INTO in respect of the removal of its investments , the placing by SIPTU of its National Office Network at our disposal , the many letters of encouragement and the great assistance given to our members on the Picket Line are some of the indicators of this .
8 Partnership with parents of socially disadvantaged children thus presents a very different challenge from that portrayed in the many reports of successful practice in some special schools .
9 This discrepancy is in part , caused by the many reports in which patients with reflux oesophagitis are taken as a single group , without separating them according to the degree or severity of the injury to the oesophageal mucosa , and in part by the lack of manometric studies in the same patients .
10 Percy Marlborough Stewart left to the people of Pocklington his collection of water-lilies , one of the finest in Europe , and the Stewart collection containing illustrations and objects of the many countries of the world which he visited on his hunting expeditions .
11 Our awards are renowned for their transportability across the many countries in which the Board has been recognised for more than a century .
12 A basic twofold hierarchical evolution was perceived ( Lazlo , 1972b ) in the many systems of the universe .
13 Johnson Matthey was amongst the many companies with chemicals operations in the locality taking part .
14 Given the nature of the corporation — it was formed in 1967 — its major collections are devoted to the history of the many companies from all the great steel-producing centres , which constitute the corporate body .
15 One of the many dangers for South Africa 's evolution is that each move which President de Klerk makes will be discounted in advance by the opposition .
16 Patricia Bell has suggested that the founder 's charitable impulses tended to outrun the total of the many legacies in his will .
17 In response to the many toasts from his American colleagues he had made a light-hearted speech at dinner , which belied his deep disappointment at being sent back to the States on a Public Relations assignment .
18 The debt to Italy , and particularly to Venice , is apparent in many of the finest buildings in Šibenik , Trogir , Split and Dubrovnik , and one does not need the constant reminders of their origins which are provided by the many replicas of the winged lion of St Mark 's which adorn them .
19 The railway and the many stories about it are usually mentioned in guidebooks as being one of the local points of interest .
20 Hotspur watched the marred profile beside him curiously as they paced side by side , for he was greatly drawn to his prisoner , and could not reconcile the many stories concerning him with this man he had begun to know .
21 Explain that loo becomes unnecessary — one of the many benefits of death .
22 One of the many benefits of this proposal will be the readiness of more defendants to plead guilty , thus reducing the length of the trau matic process .
23 The Council aims to enlighten both the public and the construction industry , highlighting the many benefits of flat and low-pitched roofing , and gradually eradicating the memory of the needless failures of the past .
24 Indeed , the many benefits of schools working together within an LEA should underpin each school 's plans .
25 In order to persuade us to carry our cats off to the nearest surgery for ‘ altering ’ , the many benefits of the operation are extolled at length .
26 A deluxe hotel enjoying a peaceful location and overlooking the wide expanse of the Gulf of Siam , the Dusit Resort is a stunning complex which allows you to enjoy the many benefits of its beachside location , without foregoing comfort and top-class service .
27 In short , generations of students have enjoyed the many benefits of free and automatic membership of the Stirling University Students ' Association ( SUSA ) .
29 The many routes to a healthier diet will be described later in the book .
30 Ideas of comparison and ordering come from playing with the many toys with graded components , e.g. Russian nesting dolls , pyramid rings , stacking cubes and boxes .
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