Example sentences of "[art] [num] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 Now the eighteen-forties sees the development of manufacturing process , clothes are getting easier and easier to make , cheaper and cheaper , so fashion is changing faster because people can afford to , whereas in earlier times , if you wore a woollen dress , it had been you know , you know , somebody had done the sheep for you , had spun the wool and woven the wool and you were damned if you were going to take this dress off until it fell to pieces round you .
2 In the eight matches the Irish required 15 replacements for injured players .
3 For NDT Systems , the UTEA-1 represents the first in-house designed and manufactured ultrasonic products , which has been met with great enthusiasm .
4 One of the six denies the murder of Karen Reilly , 18 , who was a passenger in the stolen Astra car .
5 For Porsche , the 911 holds the same place as the Dino Berlinetta Speciale does for Ferrari — a marvellous design that could be continually updated and evolved .
6 In the three experiments the subjects were either normoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic with blood glucose concentrations stabilised at 8 or 15 mmol/l .
7 The third comment of the three gives the most sophisticated defence .
8 On the sale of the 4 contracts the investor would have received a revenue of 1,400 less a sales brokerage of 12.50 .
9 Below the 102/2 comes the 101/2 ( £495 , reviewed by John Borwick last September ) and above the 104/2 lie the 105/3 ( £1,995 ) and 107/2 ( £3,195 ) which I reviewed in its original form in August 1988 .
10 The EG-2 sports two identical HFS humbuckers , so when these are coil-tapped the EG-2 has the configuration of a standard Stratocaster .
11 The M-19 heads the Alizanza Democrática M-19 ( AD M-19 — Democratic Alliance ) block in the Constituent Assembly .
12 After the synthesis of one set of the 3 oligonucleotides the described method allows an economically favourable cloning of PCR-fragments in some 10 000 different assays .
13 If , however , no undertakings can be negotiated and the MMC investigates the merger and finds that it operates or may be expected to operate against the public interest , the Secretary of State has power to order the parties not to proceed with a proposed merger or to order divestment by the purchasing company if the merger has been completed .
14 The D-32 is made of Indian rosewood and has gold Gotoh machines , while the D-18 has the chrome versions and is built from a very attractive wood called Mutenye , or Ovangol — something like walnut , but very strongly straight-grained and with a most becoming yellow-brown colour .
15 Margaret Mead 's study of three tribes in Papua New Guinea in the 1920's emphasizes the power of socialisation .
16 Sir Hugh , in his first major interview for 12 months , said the 15 bombs the IRA has detonated in London over the past few weeks were comparatively minor .
17 Not since the 1930s has the party system been so one-sided in Parliament .
18 The 580 has the same processor configuration , 64Mb memory , 2Gb disk and one 80M-byte per second Micro Channel , and integrated SCSI-1 adaptor , costing $62,500 .
19 The earlier of the two identifies the poet with his poetry , praying that after his death he should be forgotten : Sonnet 74 draws a different line , separating the Poet from his work : The point to be stressed at this juncture — forgive the interruption ! — is the turning of the other into the self and of the self into poetry , which is at the same time the turning of life into art and of transience into immortality : This marvellous poem can be linked , no doubt , to the series attacking time and proclaiming the certainty of the poet 's survival .
20 However , if the market price is less than the contract price , the difference between the two represents the seller 's loss .
21 The conflation of the two confuses the issue , and reinforces the tendency for the behaviour to be reduced to an inner state — and hence rendered less open to investigation .
22 To confuse the two confuses the issue in general .
23 Then one of the four buys the stakes of the other three : suddenly , that single investor emerges with almost a fifthof a quoted company ; the stake — a high platform for any a potential bidder — has been built far more cheaply than if one person had bought alone .
24 He was known for his rugged good looks , and his best roles were in the Forties films The Ox-Bow Incident , Laura and The Best Years Of Their Lives .
25 But if you have a machine based on an 8088/86 then you can fit an 8087 , a 286 has the 287 and the 386 has the 387DX and 387SX .
26 The fee of half a million doubles the swindon record and is the first signing by new manager John Gorman …
27 But if you have a machine based on an 8088/86 then you can fit an 8087 , a 286 has the 287 and the 386 has the 387DX and 387SX .
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