Example sentences of "[art] [det] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't bother him in the least that she might be missing Arnie .
2 He insisted that the least he could do would be to pay for the coffee , and he always tried to do the least that he could .
3 Does he not think that , with a general election coming , if he is confident in his position , the least that he could do would be to put that forward in a general election so that at least people will have an opportunity to give a view before they are committed by the right hon. Gentleman 's signature of a treaty of this magnitude ?
4 He had been given so many things to digest , not the least that it was possible Celia might have a father still living .
5 Now come on James you were saying you were short on callers the few that you 've got you do n't want to get rid of .
6 The few that there are , are well out of reach of the ordinary Russian .
7 The US State Department 's Francis Fukuyama even dared to talk of the ‘ end of history ’ by which he meant that the ideological struggle between Marxist-Leninism and liberal democracy had resulted in such a clear victory for the latter that its predominance in future could not be challenged .
8 It is on behalf of the latter that we should have had an opportunity of voting in Committee , which we were denied , and that we should have an opportunity tonight to vote in the House .
9 She had a duet with him in the latter that she could n't have managed if he had n't carried her through .
10 SIGNIFIED ( myth ) and it is the elucidation of the latter that his analysis aims at .
11 I 'm keen to see a real dialogue with our members , er , how we achieve that I do n't know , we 've got the most enormous diversity of membership as I mentioned in my speech , but the more that we can get a a good dialogue going , and certainly I used to be a member of Health and erm , Disability Group , and remember that it was a very useful meeting point , er , as well as a good arena for developing policy initiatives .
12 Erm well I mean he seems to be implicating somehow here that the more that you go up to soul and intellect to the one , the more you properly become your true self .
13 Right , so the more that you produce , the more in the higher income you 'll get , because prices are higher .
14 So the more the more that you understand , the less you 're gon na be
15 Well Laura 's got one , the more that you , the more you look at
16 One of the biggest problems in working with these young people is overcoming their anti-school attitudes and convincing the former that they do have the ability and the latter that education is essential if they are to make a success of life .
17 It was to the former that he believed himself to be responding .
18 Now we 'll see what the government does in response to er all their friends who are going bankrupt in the Lloyds er cos er that , in that scandal , on the one hand you 've got the government trying to save its neck with its forty four MPs who 've had their , had their hand in the till at the same that they 're doing that , they wo n't actually meet the just demands of people who 've worked all their lives to actually have some sort of security in the future , and that 's the ol er sort of double standards they 're gon na try and er and use to get off the hook on that one because they owe people in this country a decent , we should have the right to a decent pension and security , employment and er with this , this campaign , we should be , we should be concentrating on as a major issue for this union in the forthcoming year .
19 But she knew all the same that no-one had thought she might leave the tent which seemed warm now and dense with the presence of Antoine — Only he 's dead now , is n't he ?
20 Always glad to speak to her parent , Leith came away from the phone half wishing just the same that her mother had not rung .
21 What you actually do is you pay off the loan gradually over that peri period of twenty years , so you get from that point to that point and it 's , it 's sort of level to start with , you 're paying mainly interest off and not much capital , so when you get a statement from the building society , you still seem to owe virtually the same that you started with .
22 is the same that I , I think next time I get a Whizz I 'll erm , I 'll look cos there 's a Zit comic as well
23 It 's nothing , this is the way I deal with it , if I treat this job , if I go in to a shop or ask for any service I expect , you know , the same that I give , and basically speaking then I 'm pleased .
24 De Gaulle 's argument against Mendès-France was essentially the same that he had used against Eisenhower in Strasbourg a few months earlier : circumstances matter .
25 But she sensed all the same that there was more to it than that .
26 Of course , the Planck energy is a very long way from the energies of around a hundred GeV , which are the most that we can produce in the laboratory at the present time .
27 The most that he can promise it will be a few snatched hours on the back seat in a quiet place somewhere .
28 It became clear as the Prime Minister 's speech progressed that that is precisely the most that he is playing for .
29 There are also a few that we simply would n't have bothered with , either from past experience or through reputation ( or lack of it ) .
30 ‘ Only a few that we know of , ’ said Merymose .
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