Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The dependence/independence continuum in the model of living serves as a reminder that all people experience change of dependence/independence status for the Activities of Living in the normal course of the lifespan .
2 The term ‘ innovation ’ covers all the activities of bringing a new product or process to the market .
3 The majority of studies have been in urban areas and have focused on the activities of building societies and finance institutions in the private sector ( Ford 1975 ; Boddy 1976 ; P. R. Williams 1976 , 1978 ; Short 1978 ) , and on the activities of housing managers in the public sector ( Gray 1976a , 1976b ; Paris and Lambert 1979 ) .
4 Those born with severe deformity of the skeleton , or absence of one or more limbs , usually experience some life-long difficulty in carrying out all the activities for maintaining a safe environment .
5 It is impossible to imagine such an accident ever happening to the meticulous and super-observant John Gould , but Darwin was no ornithologist , and , as a naturalist , he had had little training in the disciplines of collecting or identification .
6 When I asked him once whether his FI career had really mattered to him that much , he answered characteristically that of course it had , but that he enjoyed racing in any form , and of all the forms of racing he enjoyed winning best : ‘ I win more over here , ’ he said , adding with a characteristic grin , ‘ and it 's easier . ’
7 The forms of screening available are discussed later in the book .
8 The drafter may try to protect his/her client in the battle of the forms by including an appropriate provision in the terms such as : The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
9 Fortunately , most of the essays in Make It New were brought back into print in 1954 , when Eliot edited Literary Essays of Ezra Pound .
10 Ceri Marsden , 17 , sat the exams before going on a family trip to Cyprus where she and her sister Sian , 14 , died in the crash .
11 The national College Employer 's Forum issued the contracts without recommending consultation with unions .
12 One issue clarified by the bill is that ‘ NHS contracts ’ , the contracts between purchasing health authorities or GPs and service-providing hospitals , will not be legally binding and will confer no contractual rights or liabilities .
13 Oil provides 40% of Norway 's export earnings , and the government gives Statoil , the state-owned oil company , half the contracts for exploiting Norwegian oil .
14 Habitus is learnt through interactive practices , as the acts of living within a world which is composed of this same order are continually reinforced in different domains .
15 with the acts of loving which grow
16 In general , the Buid place far more stress on the process of growth than on the acts of planting seed or of conceiving children .
17 As to this Lord Roskill said , at p. 333 : ‘ That was not , of course , a label switching case , but it is a plain case of appropriation effected by the combination of the acts of removing the goods from the shelf and of concealing them in the shopping bag .
18 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
19 WHILE a growing number of British companies are switching from petrol to diesel-engined cars to improve fuel consumption and cut costs , one company , originally at the vanguard of the diesel movement , has dumbfounded the experts by reversing its decision and going back to petrol .
20 AZUMAH NELSON of Ghana retained his WBC super-feather title in Lake Tahoe , Nevada on Saturday but challenger Calvin Grove confounded the experts by lasting the full 12 rounds .
21 It has taken the best elements from several Dutch schemes the Dutch being recognised as the experts in creating wetland nature reserves .
22 Tim had worked with computers at school , then in the high street shops , writing programs , trying out the games , until he began to act as unpaid demonstrator to the crowds of watching children , and the assistants did n't mind his presence .
23 Until recently both football and cricket administrators simply took the loyalty of the crowds for granted .
24 Tesco in Basingstoke , Hampshire , responded to the crowds by extending its opening by an extra three hours .
25 Leeds and Cleckheaton had been cordoned off by troops to stop the crowds from getting in .
26 Here there are few of the excesses of cautioning seen in some other areas , even though prosecution is considered very much the last resort .
27 ‘ And beneath from the pebbles in passing a spark
28 Donors are asked to wash and squash the cans before depositing them .
29 Out of the Frying Pan , a modern tale based on the Aladdin story , also saw the return of Frank Finlay and included Alan Howard , learning the ropes of acting as an assistant stage manager before later acclaim as a Royal Shakespeare Company member .
30 The owner , tycoon Antony Tannouri , 46 , had planned to sell the masterpieces after getting a £23 million tax demand .
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