Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 We hope you will come with suggestions in September , either specific movement themes or particular facets of training that you would like covered during these sessions and the teachers/trainers you would like to teach them .
2 The activities which may be subject to investigation under this scheme are those specified in Part II of Schedule 12 [ to the Act of 1986 ] , which are described there under the following headings : — share accounts — deposit accounts — borrowing members : class 1 or class 2 advances — borrowers : loans by appropriate mortgage companies — borrowers : mobile home loans — borrowers : other loans — banking services — trusteeship — executorship .
3 At levels 9 and 10 , the activities themselves will not differ significantly in kind , but pupils will require teaching which helps them to act with increasing confidence and fluency , to take a leading role in discussions , to be supportive of the contributions of others , to prepare presentations effectively ( including the use of audiovisual aids and handouts ) , to be rigorous in argument and the use of evidence , and to take effective account of audience and context .
4 ‘ Aye , very pleasurable , but first we 'll eat , while I describe some of the activities you can look forward to .
5 For one of the activities there will be a change-round of teachers who will be engaging in a semi-specialist role .
6 I knew exactly the accessories she 'd want .
7 For certain types of photograph , particularly those for feature use , you will need to think about the accessories you will use in the photograph .
8 It examines the disciplines which must come together to support EP as a single subject , and it offers a possible global content for a degree-level course in EP .
9 And as anurans , with their soft vulnerable bodies , are much sought after as food , they need all the defences they can muster .
10 Beginning with the more familiar form of the continents we can distinguish between the continental platforms formed by plateaus and lowlands , and the major linear mountain systems known as orogenic mountain belts , or simply orogens .
11 She opened the envelope and handed me the forms which would be needed if the senator undertook the repairs to Masquerade .
12 From all the forms we can .
13 It would probably proceed as follows : from A , go to all the openings you can see ; from each of those openings , go to any further openings you can see ; by continuing this procedure , generate the tree of Figure 10 ; report the shortest sequence starting at A and ending at E. The reason for preferring a computer program to a verbal account ( for example , the one just given ) , is that , when writing a program , you are forced to say exactly what you mean ; if the program works , you know that there are no hidden difficulties with your explanation .
14 Blessed are the peacemakers they should be called God 's children .
15 Erm I remem erm y you used to erm erm take , have to take exams and if you passed the exams you could go to Alma Green Secondary School .
16 For a long time , Emerson simply failed to sign the contracts which would have kept him in front-rank racing .
17 Some of the contracts you might be offered are : hire purchase , lease purchase , lease , contract hire , balloon lease purchase and secured loan .
18 The Blues Band , The Anthony Kerr Quartet , Terry Lightfoot And His Band , Barbara Dennerlein , Peanuts Huckg and the Anglo American All Stars , The Henry McCullough Band , Sheila Jordan , Claudio Roditi and The Bill mays Trio are just some of the acts who will be raising temperatures in clubs like The Guinness Spot throughout the festival .
19 The result can be that all the experts who would otherwise be suitable are " conflicted out " , in today 's inelegant but pithy expression .
21 Enid Segall , General Secretary of the british Homeopathy Association , which celebrates its 90th anniversary this year , says aching muscles , sprains , and cramp are among the woes which can be treated .
22 Similarly , getting too close could frighten the animal , although once they are used to the crowds they can regard the bars or the cage or the walls of the enclosure as protection .
23 I think that if Jesus stood in your school and looked around at the crowds he would feel exactly the same .
24 Some of you collect all the lanterns we can muster .
25 In a separate study which Jenkins and Sherman quote , from the Institute of Manpower Studies at the University of Sussex , the estimate was that for there to be enough jobs created to keep unemployment down to the levels of the mid-1970s there would need to be growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) averaging 3.5 per cent per annum in the UK .
26 Perhaps they reasoned that even if he managed to slip clear of the ropes he would have so far to fall it would n't matter .
27 As you coil the ropes you can soak up the panoramic landscape which stretches from the lush green valleys towards Leek and the Potteries , across to the Roaches and northwards to the wild moors of Axe Edge .
28 Lucrative for the clubs they may be but the omens for their success are not good .
29 Parker turned out out be one of those people whom Glass only saw ‘ through the windows of the clubs I could n't get into . ’
30 All you have to do is send the invoices you want factored to your factor and , provided they approve the accounts they will send you a cheque for around 80 per cent of their value by return mail .
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