Example sentences of "[art] [adj] time of " in BNC.

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1 The total time of the exercises from start to finish is 3 minutes 45 seconds .
2 Returning now to the referral and investigation work undertaken by the team between October 1987 and March 1988 , Table 3 provides some detail about the range of activities on which the total time of 253 hours was spent and shows that the bulk of the activity time was spent in direct contact with children and/or their caregivers .
3 The total time of lesbian and gay representation as a percentage of total television output was 3.38 per cent , plummeting to 0.32 per cent on radio .
4 This is because both frontbenches accept that it is the function of the House to permit the two sides to state their cases , and each party in power has respected the right of the Opposition to determine the subjects of debate for about one-third of the total time of the House .
5 In general , do not exceed the total time of the still air pattern by more than 1 minute .
6 He produced a general landform equation in which landform ( LF ) could be viewed as a function of geologic material ( m ) ; rate of change of geological material , structural factor ( dm/at ) ; rate of erosion ( de/dt ) ; the rate of uplift ( du/dt ) ; and the total time of duration of the process ( t ) in the form LF = , and he then proposed expressions for an erosion factor ( de/dt ) .
7 And just to remind you the open the open state probability can be defined as the time that the channel spends in its in the open state divided by the total time of the recording .
8 Auguste would take it as a reflection on his honour if they were not , despite the unseasonable time of year .
9 Many neglected hedge species respond to hard pruning at the right time of year , and will quickly produce a thicket of new growth .
10 ‘ The images have to be just right , the right time of day , the right angle , the right perspective , the right illusion .
11 So Bartle may have been a corn spirit , christianised to become St Bartholomew whose day falls at the right time of year , or even a former village priest as has been suggested .
12 It was n't the right time of my life for concentration , it really was n't .
13 Do you feel that it 's pointing the right way , bringing the sun in through the right windows at the right time of day ?
14 Oh the teachers were very good , they usually greeted you with a big plum or something , if it was the right time of the year , which it usually was .
15 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
16 SUMMER nights are very short and not the right time of the year to look out for the stars .
17 She decided that she would make a phone call just to check that Jenny had left home and knew the right time of her arrival .
18 Yes , there 's definitely there some proving , mind you , you 'll have to pick the right time of day , do you know what I mean ?
19 God it 's not the right time of the bloody month !
20 If only a portion of the balance is to be switched into another currency , the service will take two working days , using the exchange rate quoted at the requested time of transfer .
21 When operating at low speed the freewheeling time of the phase currents is short compared to the total excitation time and for most of the cycle the phase current is carried by the switching transistors .
22 I remember saying this was a bit leisurely , was n't it , but there was some apparently reasonable explanation , like no one gave any notice that they were going to die and the partnership could be a bit pushed to produce the cash if it was the wrong time of year .
23 Perhaps , Isabel decided , it is the wrong time of the year and I must wait until July or August , when they arrive as tourists .
24 ‘ I 've said it 's the wrong time of the year for that .
25 She was worrying that they 'd made love at the wrong time of the month .
26 It was the wrong time of the year for bees .
27 Although we can quickly reset our watches , our body clock takes many days to adjust , and so instructs the pineal to produce melatonin at the wrong time of day , causing jet-lag .
28 It would be the last straw if her husband tried to get romantic at the wrong time of the month .
29 It 's the wrong time of year for blossom to grow .
30 He went on relentlessly , ‘ You 've come without gear for camping or fishing , and it 's definitely the wrong time of the year for swimming in the river . ’
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