Example sentences of "[art] [adj] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Prudential 's Cash Haven requires a minimum investment of £1,000 but there is also a regular savings scheme with a minimum deposit of £25 a month .
2 Michael Lawrence , the Prudential 's group finance director , is to be the next chairman of the 100 Group , the influential forum for finance directors from the UK 's top public and private companies .
3 The Vice Chancellor , Sir Donald Nicholls , allowing the Prudential 's appeal , said that the subject matter of the sale had to be identified .
4 Such reasoning was consistent with the case law and the Prudential 's appeal would be allowed .
5 She really has n't much choice , there 's the glorified schoolmarm ; there 's the brave little woman who tries to be a good wife and housewife , and I daresay mother , as well , and makes a point of her pretty clothes ; and there 's the bluestocking , the eccentric and frump , the mathematic 's dean who does n't know which side her tea-cup is chipped .
6 Loneliness and death await them , ruin faces Shannon , and the reverend 's pronouncement that ‘ hysteria is a natural phenomenon ’ does not seem unreasonable in the circumstances .
7 She returned after a ten year absence , this time as director of ACARTE , an arts education programme linked to the Gulbenkian 's Centre of Modern Art , consolidating the respect she held as one of Portugal 's cultural leaders .
8 All amphibians have mucous glands in their skin which produce a slime that helps to keep it moist and some of these in the firebelly 's skin produce a bitter-tasting poison .
9 The new album , ‘ Hype ’ , is more guitar-based than The High 's debut which , forged as it was in the wake of Manchester 's nebulous ‘ baggy ’ explosion , suffered from rather inappropriate comparisons with the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays .
10 The High 's guitar sound is gradually thickening up from their mod-ish debut LP , and they 're starting to sound like the Atom bloody Seed .
11 The High 's record company remixed then re-released their first single Box Set Go to considerable success , even though they were n't exactly bowled over by the idea .
12 On 1 November , the Germans again attacked the salient 's belly , but this time at night , a ruse that enabled them to capture the Messines Ridge .
13 Being in a position of power , his stupidity does not just affect him , nor just his family , but a whole kingdom , showing the universal not only the domestic significance of the old 's relationship to the young .
14 Possibly Mr Quekett came to his aid : it would be a simple matter to consult the parish registers for St George 's until they found the bridegroom-to-be 's baptism in 1818 , son of Benjamin Titford of Chapman Street , ‘ Outrider ’ — and so the entry reads on the marriage certificate .
15 Did his obstinate refusal to acknowledge the divine plan — and his careless use of the Almighty 's name even on his deathbed — mean that he was now consigned to outer darkness , to some chilly region unheated by patent stoves ?
16 The Limited 's ability to stick to the tarmac , or , more importantly , the areas of tarmac you 've chosen , is simply awesome .
17 For a car with such razor-sharp handling , the Limited 's ability to keep the lumps and bumps of the road away from the car 's occupants is surprisingly good .
18 Better still in these wet spring months , a liberal dousing of rain will do little to affect the Limited 's progress .
19 In the wake of the Rallye 's poor showing on the world rally circuit , the Limited 's success will be something of a boost to VW 's Motorsport division .
20 A smile was almost brought to Auguste 's face at the thought of Multhrop 's reaction as half the Imperial 's china vanished into medical detectives ' laboratories .
21 ‘ Multhrop is the Imperial 's owner , Inspector .
22 The Imperial 's chef , at last let loose in his own kitchen , was making up for lost honour .
23 ( b ) The social importance of the accused 's conduct does not depend on such an intention .
24 But he said he was ‘ very anxious indeed ’ to discover ‘ the feelings ’ of the victim ‘ in relation to the disposal of the accused 's case ’ if she were prepared to assist .
25 Later James McInally , a forensic scientist with Lothian and Borders police , told the court that after tests on the accused 's clothing and in the burned house , they had concluded that Sutherland had been involved in splashing petrol in the house .
26 Mr McInally said that forensic tests had revealed liquid petrol on the accused 's shirt and jeans .
27 He does not have to believe on reasonable grounds that he has reasonable grounds for making the demand and so on : Lambert [ 1972 ] Crim LR 422 , where the accused threatened to tell the victim 's employers of his affair with the accused 's wife .
28 The fact that the accused 's wife spent money on their flat does not mean that he assisted in the disposal of money stolen by the wife : Coleman [ 1986 ] Crim LR 56 .
29 In the second appeal , the tape clearly did demonstrate something about the gruffness and depth of the accused 's voice which could not have been gleaned from the transcript .
30 Similarly , if the accused obtains the thing by deception through inducing a mistaken belief in the mind of the victim but ownership is not transferred because of the type of mistake , the victim retains an interest within s.5(1) and accordingly the property can be stolen by the accused 's appropriation .
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