Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 My respectful view , for reasons which your Lordships will have noted , is that both the contention of the defence and the court 's refutation of it were misconceived : the absence of consent on the part of the owner is already inherent in the word ‘ appropriates , ’ properly understood , and therefore the argument for the defence got off on the wrong foot and the counter-argument that the words specified by the defence can not be read into section 1(1) did not assist the prosecution .
2 By contrast the tax charge increased in the UK , mainly becuase of the inability to set off UK losses outside the ring-fence against ring-fenced North Sea income .
3 Diana not only ostentatiously wore outfits that she had been seen in before — to knock a few criticisms on the head about the money she spent on her wardrobe — but she also seized the opportunity to kill off a few more misconceptions .
4 It was another sunny morning and I took the opportunity to set off with Singi , our assistant sirdar , for a shapely rock peak rising above the campsite and offering the prospect of an interesting climb and a good viewpoint .
5 The masher 's intended victim was not quite so indecisive ; far from taking the opportunity to run off , leaving St George to fight the dragon on his own , she had taken the opportunity once her attacker 's attention had been diverted from her to remove her right shoe , and she now proceeded to attack him from the rear , pounding him first about the head and shoulders with the shoe , and then with her handbag shrieking , ‘ Take that , you cowardly bully , and that , ’ leaving him open to any attack Neil might care to make .
6 I felt an incredible sense of relief and achievement , but as Richard quickly reminded me it 's not during the first free flights that a bird takes the opportunity to fly off , because it does n't fully realise what it means to be free .
7 This small country in Central America was one of the first to seize the opportunity to write off international debt by trading a commitment to large-scale national nature conservation , and that good start is being taken much further .
8 Vite ! " he yelled , clapping his hands , and the coolie set off instantly at a frantic gallop along the boulevard .
9 The prayer trailed off .
10 Lime ( to keep the pH near 6 and replace the calcium sold off in milk ) and basic slag ( to replace the phosphorus and other elements exported in animal bones ) can be applied by contractor relatively cheaply to all but the steepest fields .
11 The cow was bled , pulled into a van and the peer drove off to the abattoir .
12 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
13 The princess , in a royal purple suit-dress , pushed on in front to sign the visitors ' book while the prince wandered off at the end , leaving his wife in his wake .
14 The CO broke off to frown an inquiry at his Adjutant .
15 The grassy hillside steering you up on to the ridge starts off as a benign little stroll , until you realise it is going to continue forever .
16 This ‘ sensing ’ system is linked to a lid ‘ Shut-Off Valve , ’ so that if the lid is accidentally closed with a hotplate burner still on , the gas to the hotplate shuts off immediately and stays off whilst the lid is down .
17 ‘ See yah around , ’ Billy bawled over his shoulder and waved as the bike took off towards the main Bristol road .
18 And the home-help went off , pushing her bike , rehearsing her story in her head , improving it , adding a little detail here and there .
19 Because he was swivelling his head to look behind him , the blow skidded off his skull , severed his left ear and bit deep into vital veins and arteries at the base of his neck .
20 She let the rest of the sentence trail off .
21 He let the sentence trail off into a silence that vibrated .
22 ‘ If what ? ’ he urged when Ruth let the sentence trail off like the vapour trail of the jet high in the deep blue sky overhead .
23 She allowed the sentence to trail off .
24 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
25 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
26 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
27 ’ She allowed the sentence to trail off .
28 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
29 Together , the three of them removed the boards which formed the trough and the natron ran off in a tide of white powder on to the floor .
30 Brynllys has been farmed organically by Rachel 's family since 1942 , but until 1982 all the milk went off in the tanker with everybody else 's , putting the lie to the old chestnut that organic producers must have a premium .
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