Example sentences of "[art] same [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
2 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
3 But I think the thing that runs through the whole collection and that makes Doisneau a remarkable photographer , is that he 's photographed the same locality and this is the locality where he still lives , really from the early 30s right through to the present .
4 Proton-detected heteronuclear correlation spectrum of d ( TG 4 T ) in the same buffer and temperature conditions as above .
5 They were then washed by centrifugation ( 300 g for 10 minutes ) and resuspended in the same buffer and fetal calf serum .
6 The first two left the ground at almost the same instant and climbed easily with the help of the headwind .
7 In the arousal condition the same beginning and ending to the sequence was used , but in the middle the boy was hit by a car and shown lying on the car bonnet bleeding heavily before being transported to hospital .
8 Where once it was the main streets of the decaying inner city which hosted the most fearsome encounter between Britons and their most improbable and intimidating other — black youth — now it is the classrooms and staff rooms of the inner-city school which frame the same conflict and provide the most potent terms with which to make sense of racial difference .
9 He was England 's match-winning bowler against the West Indies here a year ago but he never got the same bite and purchase yesterday .
10 Working with the Same Recording and Publishing Companies
11 The wallpaper was the same pale-green and the carpet beige , thick , respectable .
12 Faults which we might see as trivial would create the same scandal and outrage as criminal behaviour does in our society .
13 This worked as a strategy at least for as long as the persons involved lived in the same household and shared their resources .
14 Er sometimes I always laugh I say it 's funny when erm it 's about twenty degrees outside they 're still wearing the same dress and when it 's minus fifteen or ten they 're still wearing the same dress .
15 The Soviet Union , for example , had called on the Security Council on Oct. 9 to " display the same unanimity and consistence in the approach to the situation on the occupied territories as was effectively demonstrated by the Security Council with respect to Iraqi aggression against Kuwait " .
16 Please search your cupboards for some more of the same mixture and send it to Doctor Jekyll AT ONCE .
17 It is instrumentally useful in the same way and it is an expression of the same worthwhile attitude of identification with the society .
18 So I started to write a variation on the first bar and told her to go on in the same way and to keep to the idea .
19 In experiments using the within-subjects designs of fig. 5.3 or of Table 5.1 ( e.g. Grice 1965 ; Reese 1972 ; Honey and Hall 1989c experiment 3 ) , initial training involves three stimuli , two , A and B , being treated in the same way and the third , C , being associated with a different outcome .
20 Others join the dance in the same way and others collapse .
21 Place on a flat dish with legs pointing diagonally towards you , hold with a carving fork and cut through wing joints ; carve legs the same way and divide in two .
22 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
23 Many spectators feel the same way and are calling for blanket tests and bans for those who are positive .
24 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
25 Yet he would hold that there could not be another state of mind just like it , without this being bad in just the same way and degree .
26 To use this script safely , you must be confident that all the damaged records are defective in the same way and will all be cured by this process .
27 No sooner has it done so than another baby joins on behind in the same way and within a few seconds , the entire litter has formed a caravan behind their parent .
28 It is my contention that a similar process is occurring for at least a significant part of the people of Tyneside today , although it is not affecting everyone in the same way and involves a complex process of what may be more apparent than real social differentiation .
29 What is persuasive in this case is a consistent series of answers given by the minister , after opportunities for taking advice from his officials , all of which point the same way and which were not withdrawn or varied prior to the enactment of the Bill .
30 Then boil the mixture , drain , make more syrup in the same way and re-boil the stems for about 10 minutes .
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