Example sentences of "[art] new [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Gordon Bowers , Commercial Manager , is responsible for the day to day implementation of the new systems which became operational at the end of March .
2 Certainly the king made a profit out of supplying the new dies which a different type necessitated : the moneyers at Worcester each paid £1 for them .
3 ‘ It is our task , as Liberal Democrats , to set our sails to the new winds which will blow through the nineties ; to establish the new frontier between individual choice and collective responsibility . ’
4 The cure is to improve the clutch operation or use one of the new radios which allow you to ‘ feather ’ the tail rotor when the ‘ hold ’ switch is operated .
5 The number of stock under the supervision of a single worker has increased considerably and this has placed an additional burden on the skill of the stockman to face the new challenges which have resulted .
6 All the new products which can be envisaged , and most of the new services which can be imagined , are as likely to be automated as the old .
7 Not least among the new friendships which Lewis formed during the war was his friendship with an Anglican nun called Sister Penelope ( Lawson ) of the Community of St Mary the Virgin at Wantage .
8 But look at the new companies which take the place of the old order , says Mr Chandler : almost all have followed the first-mover formula and grown big .
9 In developing the short list of manufacturing locations he proposed to establish to produce the new products which would incorporate all the latest technologies , he had detailed the comparative costs of manufacture per country and identified the economic and commercial advantages and disadvantages of selling components into specific European countries from single and dual manufacturing sources .
10 All the new products which can be envisaged , and most of the new services which can be imagined , are as likely to be automated as the old .
11 Perhaps the most difficult problem to be coped with ( apart from grammar and syntax which are quite outside the scope of this book ) is that of semantic shift — the new meanings which Classical words acquired in medieval times , sometimes making them unintelligible to readers who remember only fragments of the language from their schooldays .
12 However , building societies have taken advantage of the new regulations which allow them to raise 40% of funds on the wholesale markets , and are intent on maintaining their market share by encroaching on areas of lending business which traditionally belonged to banks .
13 But we hope that you will , nevertheless , be struck by the range of our products and services and how they can help you , not only in solving today 's problems , but also in taking a tried and tested approach to the new problems which are facing our industry .
14 Many of the controversies about the new institutions which serve these purposes can be seen , on analysis , to be arguments about different forms of patronage — encouragement or intervention within and beyond the market — but also , and crucially , about distinctions between the social relations of patronage ( where the public body is held merely to have replaced the court or the household or the individual patron ) and the alternative social relations of a now publicly instituted art .
15 The new policies which would emerge for discussion in an autumn 1990 white paper would take matter well beyond the December 1989 Green Bill , which does not include carbon dioxide among the gases for which standards are to be set .
16 GAVIN GRANT explores the new frontiers which have opened up
17 Many are attracted to more pleasant housing in the New Towns which are being built .
18 The most I can do is to offer a very brief and personal view of some of the recent changes in emphasis drawing from the syllabuses of ten countries and to isolate a few of the new approaches which strike me as particularly interesting and exciting .
19 Craft villages were very different in character from their predecessors of a century or two before , and the new settlements which were dominated by a single workplace and where even the houses and public buildings were owned by the ironmaster , millowner or colliery company had no antecedents in an earlier age .
20 HCIMA 's own guidelines include advice on how to write a policy statement and start thinking seriously about Green issues ; current legislation ; and the new laws which will shortly be coming into effect as a result of the Rio Earth Summit .
21 But it is the wording of the new contracts which appears to have prompted the strike .
22 Only newly-appointed and promoted staff are due to receive the new contracts which according to the Institute 's NATFHE chairman , Denis Clinton , has led to the problem of new staff being appointed but not given contracts .
23 We believe that British Coal can achieve a significant share of the coal market for generation in the new contracts which begin in 1993 , and we believe that it will be able to achieve that at competitive prices .
24 The charge of political bias laid at the door of critics , and the claim that their own scientific activities were neutral , leaves only one way out — to make out that the problem lies in technical factors of production that constrain maximum yield performance in maize , and not in the interrelationship between social conditions of inequality and the new technologies which CIMMYT and IRRI were developing .
25 The second part of the project involves using the new insights which preferred point geometry offers to make practical the methods which both the new and existing theories produce .
26 At such meetings he kept himself in touch with the constantly changing scene of poetry , the new faces which appeared , the old names which disappeared .
27 States were therefore keen to see the federally supported mental health centres as the new agencies which could play the leading role .
28 But we need medical supplies , especially the new medicines which the war has developed — penicillin , mepacrine , M & B , which have proved so effective in the liberation campaign .
29 But the testing time has now arrived ; because for the first time posts of leadership in humanities departments are being taken up by a generation of scholars who have been familiar with the computer from their earliest schooldays , scholars who are neither frightened by , nor over-respectful of , the new powers which the computer has brought .
30 The advert for the new editors which subsequently appeared in the Guardian stipulated that the applicants for both jobs ‘ should have a tremendous enthusiasm for and encyclopedic knowledge of the metal/rock scene . ’
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