Example sentences of "[art] first time [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first time a boy kissed her , she thought he was being charitable and told him he did n't have to .
2 This momentous decision — it is the first time a former Greek prime minister has been indicted by parliament — was complemented by measures the left coalition in particular regards as vital to prevent abuse of power by single-party governments in future .
3 The pace picks up towards the end : Bolam 's hair goes awry , and for the first time a sense of desperation enters his acting .
4 It is believed to be the first time a developer has urged the Government to schedule an archaeological site .
5 For the first time a civil servant , perforce , began to affect what happened .
6 For the first time a mathematical definition of overcrowding was given by the National Government in their Act of 1935 , and a determined attack was made on this evil .
7 This is the first time a unit trust company has had to suspend funds under the Financial Services Act 's pricing regulations , which oblige it to cease trading once an error is suspected .
8 If he wins , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
9 If confirmed , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
10 Guardian members are to receive an average £520 cash windfall for voting ‘ yes ’ to the merger at a special meeting in December — the first time a bonus of this size has been paid out on a simple merger operation .
11 It is the first time a sculpture from the period has fetched such a sum .
12 It is the first time a former officer has been given permission to write about MI5 since Sir Percy Sillitoe , the post-war head of the service , published his memoirs in 1955 .
13 ‘ Following this decision , the Community will have for the first time a single framework within which takeovers and mergers of a Community dimension can be dealt with , recognising the importance of maintaining fair competition throughout the single market . ’
14 American production soared , largely to meet overseas demand , and the Soviet Union , despite some impressive gains in production , became for the first time a large importer .
15 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
16 The champagne reception — at which Kylie began to demonstrate for the first time a new found confidence with both press and public — also gave them the perfect opportunity to milk their golden child 's latest achievement , three UK gold discs for ‘ Kylie ’ the LP , and the singles ‘ I Should Be So Lucky ’ and ‘ Got To Be Certain ’ .
17 Setting up the service provides for the first time a national intelligence-gathering operation on organised crime and criminals .
18 Reform has already begun : this weekend voters could choose for the first time a single named candidate for the lower house , instead of numbers on a party list .
19 It was the first time a hurdling dog had broken a flat record but trainer Paddy Hancox was not surprised .
20 For the first time a fairly extensive observation exercise was initiated involving close reporting of the drama teaching in six education authorities conducted throughout the period of one academic year .
21 Industrialization created for the first time a new political force in the mass of factory workers .
22 Alongside this flourishing of national cultures , for the first time a real international economic division of labour would emerge , covering multinational economic regions in which each nation would play a specialized role for all other :
23 I had felt for the first time a gnawing loneliness , finding echoes of familiar landscapes in the sweep of a glen , the gentle bend of a river .
24 It has been suggested that this was the first time a summer pavilion had been adapted from a Greek temple .
25 Reading Neale 's articles in the immediate context of teaching for the first time a course dangerously titled , ‘ Television Theory ’ ( is there such a thing ? ) ,
26 Some authorities maintained that it was the first time a single drug had been shown to be useful in controlling psychotic patients .
27 Indeed , the Home Secretary , Mr Leon Brittan , took great pride in the fact that , unlike any of its predecessors , the Conservative Government had provided for the first time a clear and comprehensive statutory framework for the interception of communications .
28 It is the first time a party from the south have joined the team , headed by Keith Taylor , area organiser for the charity , Aid to Romanian Orphans .
29 He stood up and I noticed for the first time a bunch of keys at his belt .
30 When saving a file for the first time a SUMMARY INFORMATION menu may be displayed .
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