Example sentences of "[art] two [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 A difference between the two actions which that person is unable to recognize can not justify a difference in judgement .
2 Publication of these results had raised an expectation that the two associations which showed the most promise would be accepted for registration .
3 Before examining the more recent developments in self-advocacy and normalisation , however , we need to consider the two approaches which have been prominent and have dominated the emergence and style of professional practice over the past 50 years : the medical and educational approaches .
4 She suggests a synthesis between the two approaches which looks at the diversity of girls ' educational experiences , and the ways in which schoolchildren challenge class and gender controls .
5 Eusebio played that night , and again when United beat Benfica at Wembley two years later to lift the European Cup and enshrine a friendship between the two clubs which still leaves its mark in Lisbon .
6 There is a general acceptance that any stepping stone plan for next season must accommodate the two clubs which earn promotion from this year 's First Division .
7 The two firms which control PC technology , Microsoft and Intel , have grown rich by selling this technology to all-comers ( in Microsoft 's case , fabulously rich , see pages 25–27 ) .
8 IRA terrorists who planted one of the two bombs which rocked Manchester city centre may have been captured on video tape .
9 Essentially Glasgow and Edinburgh were the two towns which provided the bulk of the membership and carried the burden of administration .
10 It is now a case of getting the support , and raising the funds to secure one of the two routes which are available to us .
11 Perhaps there was something else , something between the two families which had spawned such detestation .
12 Two of many examples of nomic correlates , although the matter is in several ways complex , are provided by the interdependent variation of the pressure of a gas and its volume and temperature , according to the Boyle-Charles law for ideal gases , and the orbits of the two stars which make up a double star , which are held close together by mutual gravitational attraction .
13 The chain-guilloche too is interlaced more frequently ( and , therefore , is more compact ) around the bottom panel and the two panels which contain wave-crest pattern , than it is around the top panel .
14 Sponsored by the Friends of Covent Garden , ‘ The Fiery Angel ’ is a co-production with the Kirov Opera of St Petersburg and the first instalment of a collaboration between the two theatres which will be continued in 1995 with Prokofiev 's ‘ War and Peace ’ .
15 On the contrary , upon adjudication there vested in Mr. Dennis ' trustee the entire beneficial interest in the two properties which , on Mrs. Dennis ' death , had passed to Mr. Dennis as the surviving joint tenant .
16 In the two generations which followed the death of Louis XIV it was further extended and elaborated .
17 The prosecution 's success rate does not augur well for the two trials which will really test the quality of Boesky 's information and the deal that he pulled off with government lawyers .
18 In the Hang Seng Bank case [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 206 the two transactions which threw up the profit , namely the purchase and resale of the certificates of deposit , both took place outside Hong Kong and this Board held that the profits did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong , notwithstanding the fact that all the instructions to buy and sell originated in Hong Kong and that there was no independent branch office interposed between the head office in Hong Kong and the following transactions .
19 Had he never existed , it is probable that the Almoravid Moors , under their fanatical leader Yusuf , would have overrun a far greater area of central Spain — and perhaps prevented the gradual blurring of the two cultures which produced the later kingdoms of Moorish Spain and thereafter the great empire of the sixteenth century .
20 But for industry , the difficulties and costs of physical experimentation are the two factors which are having a particularly significant impact on product development .
21 The analysis of the search space carried out in this chapter should help to focus attention on the discriminating requirement of top-down information in terms of the number and similarity of hypotheses competing over a stretch of the utterance , and of the distance between pruning points ( i.e. the grammar ‘ chunks ’ ) , the two factors which determine the potential combinatorial explosion of hypotheses .
22 Section two describes the two factors which will need pronouncing in this period to achieve this objective , these are the usual annual commitments and the need under the present rules laid down by Policy Committee to commence from the highways project , the loan charges on the capital expenditure over and above the figure included in the transport supplementary grant settlement , that is the two point seven million pound figure in paragraph two one B.
23 This mutual incomprehension could , of course , be accidental ; but I will suggest that it expresses a division between the two positions which runs deeper than the dispute we have so far considered .
24 Erm they are the crit the two criteria which I I consider alongi along with the greenbelt and the need to be located on a public transport corridor , which must be given the most weight in the in the decision making process .
25 Each group of headlines , furthermore , ‘ consists of two sets , one for the outer forme [ the forme containing the two pages which would end up outermost when the sheet was folded — ppa/8 , 9/16 and so on ] and another for the inner , and the various headlines in each set appear in the same sequence whenever used ’ ( p.300 ) .
26 The two themes which need to be addressed here are ‘ market ’ and ‘ consumption ’ .
27 The decision was taken at a joint meeting of the two committees which adopted ‘ a programme of party action to strengthen perestroika ’ .
28 The decision was taken at a joint meeting of the two committees which adopted ‘ a programme of party action to strengthen perestroika ’ .
29 Then the two faces which had seemed identical showed him as suddenly all their diversities .
30 The two objects which guided William Joyce 's development in his later teens were self-improvement and military discipline .
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