Example sentences of "[art] [adv] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This paper is for the most part about medical practice , particularly general medical practice of the British variety , within the context of a more theoretical discussion of some aspects of professional work .
2 When their typically apocalyptic vision of a new world faded , they retreated for the most part into traditional humility .
3 The main thrust of Lukacs 's criticism is that the rich potentiality of socialist realism degenerated for the most part into what he terms the " anaemia of socialist naturalism " because its practitioners deliberately chose to substitute the profundity of Marx 's original dialectical understanding of reality for the banality and facility of Stalinist economic subjectivism " , the inevitable consequence of the Stalinist personality cult .
4 Under Queen Anne parties of a modern kind did not exist ; but it is possible to speak without gross inaccuracy of Parliament and the politically active part of the nation as being divided for the most part into Whigs and Tories .
5 For were not the brothels and whorehouses of Panama City and pre-revolutionary Havana developed for the most part for the benefit of American troops ?
6 The kitchen had one small window , the parlour two , one looking out over Brodick Bay , the other inland ; joined to this main building were various outhouses , each having a door , a window , a box-bed , a small deal table , a candlestick , and a wash-basin of its own : these were let for the most part to single gentlemen , though now and again she had also lady lodgers .
7 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
8 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
9 Those votes of Caraher 's which were transferable went for the most part to Hendron ( Alliance ) in Stage VI I I , and ensured his election with a surplus of 498 .
10 The number is easy to divide by 8 as it consists for the most part of successive multiples of 8 .
11 In fact , much points towards the conclusion that , despite its centrality to Hitler 's own thinking , anti-Semitism was for the most part of no more than secondary importance as a factor shaping popular opinion in the Third Reich .
12 The igneous complex is composed for the most part of very resistant rocks , and less erosion has taken place here than with the other rock types , so that this region contains some of the highest hills in the Outer Hebrides , such as Roneval , Bleaval and Chaipaval .
13 However , these are for the most part of very low quality and certainly can not meet the needs of the poorest sectors .
14 Could you take a part which would involve the wearing of an acid-yellow loose négligée for the most part of the proceedings ?
15 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
16 She howled for the most part of her first two years .
17 He had been in trouble for the most part of his life , the eldest of the poor working class family of seven children , he had always been the black sheep .
18 Officially the trams , which use railway lines for the most part with a quick dive into the streets as they reach the city centre , are ‘ Light Rapid Transit ’ vehicles , or LRTs .
19 The bones consist of lagomorph remains for the most part with a few small lizards and rodents .
20 While the Treaty as a whole was deeply humiliating to Germany , it was accepted for the most part with a sullen resignation and silent disgust .
21 Regulatory control , however , is concerned for the most part with organizational deviance , and with many activities in which compliance does not reside simply in refraining from an act , but in positively doing something to remedy a state of affairs .
22 Synonymous for the most part with the hegemonic culture of the bourgeoisie , the novel is not a form easily adapted to the demands of a revolutionary communist ideology explicitly contesting the assumptions of the class by which the form itself was fashioned .
23 The theories considered so far deal for the most part with major changes in the form of society , but it is evident that there are more continuous , relatively small-scale changes which affect political life .
24 Mr Strachan 's time in office coincided for the most part with the tenure as Librarian of the late Professor Denis Roberts .
25 When he gives evidence , sitting for the most part on two cushions , he leans forwards attentively like a headmaster , and with something of the same terrifying effect .
26 Unfazed , Norman somehow caught it , jammed it back on , and shouted up his resolve to do the rest of the route for the most part on his knees .
27 Since 1978 the World Bank has been publishing an annual World Development Report with a growing number of ‘ world development indicators ’ tables ( eighteen tables in 1978 , twenty-seven in 1983 , thirty-three in 1988 ) , based for the most part on UN and internal World Bank data sources .
28 This ability is independent of idiosyncratic beliefs , feelings and usages ( although it may refer to those shared by participants ) , and is based for the most part on quite regular and relatively abstract principles Pragmatics can be taken to be the description of this ability , as it operates both for particular languages and language in general .
29 Er , generally and for the most part and for the most part at the end of the day they 'll come up with completely irrelevant er things .
30 This consists of four separate buildings : the baptistery , the cathedral , the campanile and the cemetery ( this last , the Camposanto , was badly damaged in the Second World War but is now largely rebuilt apart from the beautiful frescoes which were for the most part beyond repair ) .
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